1971 Plymouth Sport Fury GT Brogham & U code Super Comando

Stan heard about the hood tach:mad::realcrazy: and attempted a rescue of the GT
If I put this kind of time and money into a car I'd be afraid to expose it to air, forget about the road.

Gonna be gorgeous. ...
Critter, I really hope you are gonna drive this beauty. You'll never see most of these details again anyway, the only way to experience them is on the road.
actullllly....is one of two things I'm changing and theres no ifs ands er buts....gave up putting the oem Mopar hood tach on the hood and gave up the six pack because of you lot....but the 140 speedo and tilt steering are going in....everything else is OEM with the exception of cam and compression.....hopefully this way everyones happy :);):p:D:icon_fU:

I sure hope that you can bring your car to Carlisle this year. All of us here on FCBO will be tickled to death to put actual eyeballs on your beautiful car!
k ..small set back...woulda sworn interior paint color was ember gold 666 but Paul just tried paint l had sent and wasn't even close....need to nail down this color and hopeing someone heres had to deal with it at some point

after dash color thanx...actually is probally faded mayby...where can l find interior paint color code?...will it be part of Tag?
this pic below was from another 71 fury that was posted up in the forum last summer..is pretty well what my interior should look like and color...anyone have a color name or code? thanx
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I went through this trying to match the interior colors up on my 300. After several false starts and $$ later, I went with an alternate color.

What I did find out was SEM will give you a custom formula based on a sample. They told me to send in something for them to custom match and they will send it back along with the formula. The issue is then you have to find someone that can mix the SEM formulas.

I'm told that a really good, well equipped paint shop, that sells Dupont, may be able to do it too.

I didn't do any of this because so much of my interior had already been painted/dyed/faded, and I had no really good sample to work with. I ended up with an off the shelf rattle can that I like.
Down to two eliminating Citron

View attachment 70354
your da man....
k am guessing this will be low gloss ie sun reflecting offa dash ect....also noticed in that pic of the 71 above kick panels are diffrent color...will dash and door panels be the same color?
see the used on parts above they mention what color to go where and on what piece..unshure of door panels
thanx folks
No, I'm reading that the dash is suede, not, lo-gloss.

Unfortunately, I can't find one damn sample of 1970 interior colors.