Old Man with a Hat
The Canadians had it good in 2008 and 2012.
The Canadians had it good in 2008 and 2012.
yes...Paul is going to make a set up..not shure how or with what but he said he'd handle it so have faith in him to sort it out..will enshure we have pics
If they work, I'd buy a set
I would buy several sets as well.Please ask him if it is possible to make up several sets. There are members here (me included) that may be interested in purchasing them.
I would say unpainted, mine is original and unpainted.Did the tanks from the factory come painted or unpainted?
Did the tanks from the factory come painted or unpainted?
I would say unpainted, mine is original and unpainted.
Is your tank a Calif 4 vent?
Excellent when you convert to fuel injection...??????duh.........if so good or bad???no idea to be honest
juat yakkin with Paul...yes is a 4 vent.....good or bad setups?
Loving the updates, keep them coming. The parts look great