I'll have to computate data a little closer. I've only driven it very short distances. So far it looks like 7.5 mpg on 93 octane. I may be wrong on the numbers so far. I just need to accurately record fuel consumption and mileage a little closer.
I would have stated the obvious but knowing you, you already have the choke sorted out.
That's how it is done.I put the carb exactly back to factory adjustments and then very little adjustments to get it to run correctly
The mileage could be better, but the smiles per mile..... Oh and the mileage is better when you keep your right foot out of it, not as fun but betterI'll have to computate data a little closer. I've only driven it very short distances. So far it looks like 7.5 mpg on 93 octane. I may be wrong on the numbers so far. I just need to accurately record fuel consumption and mileage a little closer.
With a big stick and crappy vacuum and a quick fuel on top, a O2/air fuel ratio guage is a eye opener.Yep, I have the choke where I want it right now. Just need to drive it awhile to see if I'm satisfied with the choke setting. I know a lot of guys that just can't leave things alone and then they have the carb so jacked up that is barely runs. Then....they bring it to me and I do the same dang thing every time. I put the carb exactly back to factory adjustments and then very little adjustments to get it to run correctly.
It will loosen up. My charger was crap at first and now up to mid 14+ with my truck driver foot.So far it looks like 7.5 mpg on 93 octane.
Even if it doesn't, will it really matter? If I had that for a "driver", I'd have too big a smile to give a hoot about mpg, especially with a sleeper like yours!I think it's closer to 9 mpg. I don't remember if I had the gas tank full when I started the first computation. Oh well, I'm sure the mpg or my math will get better down the road.
Even if it doesn't, will it really matter? If I had that for a "driver", I'd have too big a smile to give a hoot about mpg, especially with a sleeper like yours!
i see the check valve on your vacuum can. the manifold vacuum port hooks directly to that only? the other components feed off the vacuum can?
Bummer. I'm feeling your frustration
So how much vacuum does the engine idle with/run at speed with?