Cataract surgery was a sucess today.
Ready for pirate training! LOL!
The NYB will have to take a break.
View attachment 228471
Good for you, Bob. You look just like a super light. . .
Cataract surgery was a sucess today.
Ready for pirate training! LOL!
The NYB will have to take a break.
View attachment 228471
Glad to see it went well... I had mine done many years ago.. First thing I noticed was all the little scratches and stuff in the finish on my car. I hadn't seen them before the surgery...
We're you knocked out, Bob?
The gave me a sedative, then a shot, and told me to count backwards from 10.
I got as far as ten, lol.
No good deed goes unpunished. lol
A late friend of mine had his done a year apart. His biggest complaint before the procedure was his night vision was shot. Oncoming headlights just made everything go white, halos around street lights etc. After the procedure he said he had crystal clear vision in the repaired eye and what they had said was his good, not bad enough to fix yet eye, was like looking thru a lace or shear curtain. He could not believe he had functioned that long that blind.
It's a pretty quick procedure. My friend said it took longer to set up than to actually do it. Lots of improvements in the last few years too. The first one he had to dick around with pirate patches for a couple of days before he could let any light through, restricted activity and drugs and eye drops for quite a while after. The second one he had a deal on like Bob and he could see before he left the building. Just some eye drops for follow up meds.
Heh-heh.Still don't know why I had to take my clothes off and put a smock on......
Jesus Bob they keep patching you up like that you may soon be under warrantee again !
Good luck on Pearl Harbor Day!!!