392 Hemi, WIW?

The long rams are worth some good money, don't they go for around $1,500?
There was a set on Craigslist and recently on FBBO and both were $1,400 & $1,500 and I think the set on FBBO sold. Jer?, how much fer theze looong ramz?
There was a set on Craigslist and recently on FBBO and both were $1,400 & $1,500 and I think the set on FBBO sold. Jer?, how much fer theze looong ramz?

Wow! Maybe I should up my offer some. By the way Matt great impersonation of Jer!
A 325 Industrial Hemi. Probably from a D500 Dodge. Not many of those around and that manifold could be quite valuable, since the availability of aftermarket intakes for the Dodge and Desoto Hemi is very limited.

If those blower are vintage, and for a 354/392 Hemi, or even the Dodge or Desoto Hemi, then they could be worth some serious coin. Nostalgia guys clamber over each other for that stuff. The long rams manifolds got to be worth a few bucks.

I agree start low since you could be getting junk if they get magnufluxed and are cracked. Basically scrap value I'd start with. But you could end up with a a few gems in that bunk as well. Personally I'd jump on it if I could get everything for $1000 or less.
A 325 Industrial Hemi. Probably from a D500 Dodge. Not many of those around and that manifold could be quite valuable, since the availability of aftermarket intakes for the Dodge and Desoto Hemi is very limited.

If those blower are vintage, and for a 354/392 Hemi, or even the Dodge or Desoto Hemi, then they could be worth some serious coin. Nostalgia guys clamber over each other for that stuff. The long rams manifolds got to be worth a few bucks.

I agree start low since you could be getting junk if they get magnufluxed and are cracked. Basically scrap value I'd start with. But you could end up with a a few gems in that bunk as well. Personally I'd jump on it if I could get everything for $1000 or less.

I agree Brian with starting at scrap value and going up from there. This guy is kind of a wheeler who Probably wants to move this stuff pretty fast. He's not the kind of guy who is going to put it on the internet or haul it to Carlisle to sell it. I'm going to call him in the morning and throw a number at him.
You are also right Brian about it being a Dodge D500 as it has D500 stamped on it.
Good luck Chris...hope things work out for you. BTW I'm kind of excited to know what everything is, and what it could be worth.
Had a couple, id be careful if you're buying this as a thing to turn a profit on, if walk from any hemi under 392, as there is just so much support for them, any hemi other than the 82 and 26 is great for a glass table, after you empty them of internals.
The long rams are only worth that kind of money to someone that needs them, anyone else its something they might want to play with.
Like I mentioned I had a 331 Hemi for a few years, and had planned on putting it in a hotrod. Then got my 48 Desoto and decided I did not want to run the Hemi in it, so I sold it. During that time though I researched the begeezis out of early Hemi stuff. So I know a little about them.

The odd ball Hemi stuff...Dodge and Desoto is still desirable. There are rebuild kits for these motors available and guys still run them. They are always looking for vintage speed equipment....especially for the Dodge and Desoto Hemi since there is basically no aftermarket "performance" support for these motors today. So when looking for multi carb intakes, and blower manifolds etc...you pretty much have to find vintage pieces.

Even thogh there is a lot of support for the 331/354/392 Chrysler hemi, guys really love the original vintage performance stuff for these motors.

Here's what my Hemi looked like....

Any early hemi stuff is still pretty desirable. I would bet the KB rods, and blowers are pretty used up as race parts unless new. The offy intake will go fast and the D500 dodge block should draw some attention too.
Although most folks think of the Fire power 392 as the BIG hemi most of the racers in the day looked for the 354 blocks..... Thicker walls, I think.

A pair of long ram tubes is the easy part to find..... The special exhaust manifolds and heat transfer tubes, linkage, fuel lines etc that complete the set is what is tough to locate.

My guess is that there is around $2500/3000.00 of value in the bunch if sold by the piece.

I would run it by the guys over at the forward look site..... can't hurt.
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A bunch of even older old men in hats.
I'd talk to the H.A.M.B. guys first.

Yeah, the H.A.M.B site has a lot of knowledge and answers for sure. The Forward Look site has a lot of members from other parts of the world who may be good potential customers for parts like these.
Made an offer he countered and we have a deal. Headed over to pick them up but didn't make it. Here's some pictures to show you why. I guess I'll try again tomorrow morning if there is still a road there.


