3rd Annual Midwest C Body Car Show

Where does the time go?
The 3rd Annual C Body Show at Volo is next weekend.
40 cars and close to 70 people have been registered, beating last years attendance by almost double the cars & people.
Thanks to all that have marked your calendars for this event.
Thats Incredible.gif
It rains about 3 or 4 days a week around here this year...
Hoping so. My weather app is showing a 40% chance of rain...that means theres a 60% chance of fun. The glass is more than half full!
It rained last year, a shower in the morning. That's what I'm pulling for again. I'll be there no matter what.
FWIW, I try to avoid the rain at all cost. I've been very lucky with both of my fusies so far: I have experienced a single, strong but short, shower in the 'vert -- just enough to clean it, and to prove to me that it is waterproof!

In my experience, T-storms are more likely in the afternoon than in the morning. The Volo weather forecast for Saturday is showing scattered T-storms. We had the same forecast at the Sully Plantation show in Sterling, VA last Sunday and the weather turned out great for most of the day. Just a 10' sprinkling at noon that beaded on the cars and created zero mud. By the time I left (just before 3), the clouds had started gathering, but it did not rain till later in the early evening.

Call me an optimist, I'm hoping for the same at Volo. In any event, something has come up that prevents me from staying after 11:30am or so, but I'll drive Medina to Volo and should hit the show a bit after 10. Hope to see all 40 registered folks and... the sun!
Weather report may change next couple days...
Boab sits outside since I have no garage so rain itself is not my concern.
Cancelling an event because of rain will piss me off after all that time driving to be there.
The show will not be cancelled. I’m all in for Saturday.
FWIW, I've been watching the weather forecast too. Yesterday the forecast for Saturday in Volo read 80% rain. Today it says 50%. This morning on the TV, the weatherman said most the rain over the weekend is expected to be south of Interstate 80, which is 40 miles or more from Volo.
Last year, rain was in the forecast a few days before our show, however the weather turned out great last year.

The ole’ sayin concerning the weather in the Chicagoland area is:
“If you don’t like the weather, wait 15 minutes”

BTW, if anyone wants to bring your own canopy/tent, just in case, feel free to do so.
I’m sure we can figure out how to make them fit, by pulling our cars closer to the driving lanes of the parking area.
Just checking to see who all plans on coming out to my little gathering at my shop friday evening. PM me if you are so I can get a feel for what to expect and send you guys my address. Thanks! Cant wait for this weekend!
I'll be making final preparations today and tomorrow for the show on Saturday, loading up the cars with the registration tent, tables, a couple chairs, the directional signs, etc...
The food order was just placed today. I am hoping that the food being brought in allows everyone to spend more time at the show.
In about 48 hours from now, I hope all the food is gone, cause I really don't want to bring any home.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
For those of you who are coming from far away, drive safe, and as always, watch out for the state troopers, especially in Illinois.
I'm out! My son decides to move this weekend and guess who has a truck and the ability to lift stuff.......dang it!! You folks have fun!!!
Well Medina is ready for its first Volo event. Thanks a million to @71Polara383 for finishing everything on time yesterday: alternator, tie rod ends and idler arm, advance, armrest bases, etc.!

I drove her today for a good 3 hours, she performed excellently. She also played a role this afternoon as the coolest meeting room for a 2-hour work discussion on the (very busy) way to O’Hare airport. Quiet enough (with windows closed...) to make very good progress on a delicate work matter. My counterpart even asked for a picture with her afterwards :D
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I was just contacted by the Blues Mobile club. There's gonna be 4 to 6 Blues mobiles coming to Volo on Saturday.
Were at almost 50 cars now if everyone shows up.:thumbsup: