Turboomni, one thing I have not discussed with you that is just as important as your stroker kit selection. The torque converter. My recommendation is to what I did/was told to do. Find a used/core torque converter from a HEMI car. It will be an 11" converter with beefy mounting lugs. Call Lenny at Ultimate Converter (ultimateconverter.com), 704.892.6831. Tell him about your engine build, rear gear, weight of the car etc. and then ship him the HEMI core to work his magic on it. Trust me. I tried a different converter and it just slipped too much and while a HEMI core is not going to be cheap, overall, Lenny's price will be equal to or less than an off the shelf converter and you will have one custom built for your car. You rode it my car and it drives like a regular car around town and also does what I need it to do at the track or when really opening up the throttle on the street. Again, just my recommendation as many recommended that I talk to Lenny and have him build me a converter. FYI, the stock C Body converter is a 12".