We get off early on Friday's in the summertime so I loaded up and went to the garage determined to finish off removal of the rear end from the parts car. Got there around 4:30.
I cant believe how high I had to block up the car to get the shackle brackets to clear but I got it up there and broke out the ole trusty Honda atv so I could put the winch to work.
I think the temp was hovering around 93-94 and the gravel where I'm stripping the parts car is not very friendly. I don't have a full blown shop so I have to Macguyver a lot of stuff to get it done!
After I pulled the entire rear out from under the car I realized my old A#$ didn't have the strength to flip it over to remove the spring perches, so I propped it up using an 8' 2x4 for leverage, propped up the springs with a couple of 1 foot 2x's and hooked the atv strap to the back side, drove a screwdriver into the ground in front of the closest shackle brackets, fired up the winch and flipped it over. At that point I was completely soaked and pretty much wore out...
That's when I realized the danged electricians working on the house done stole all my bottled water from the fridge in the garage

Hot, Tired and Thirsty, I figured it's about time to ramp this operation up and head for the house!
The next step was to break out the impact gun and remove the spring perches. I'd say the u bolts are pretty much toast since they've been under the car for the last 53 years. One nut wouldn't even come off with the impact gun. Looks like everything else is salvageable!
I broke out the come along I keep in the box on the atv and drug the complete rear into my tilting deer trailer and hauled it to the house.
Got the numbers on the 3rd member (I think that's what you folks call it) cleaned off and the tab on one of the bolts says 3.23-Perfect since I did the jack one side and spin test on the Vert last night and I'm pretty sure it's not a sure grip!
to be continued......