Old Man with a Hat
I wish Signatures had a THANKS button.I'd rather have a bottle in front of me ......... Then a frontal labotomy
I wish Signatures had a THANKS button.I'd rather have a bottle in front of me ......... Then a frontal labotomy
What the hell is this crap? As my mother used to say “Just one cotton-picking minute! Don’t make me come up there, boy!” Re-read this thread from the beginning. It is inspiration in itself. Being a perfectionist is a curse and a blessing, you have to realize when it’s time to roll back your idea of perfection. Seems to have been a slide since last August when you found out you didn’t have the original engine. Well, let me tell you, you have 60+ years to find a numbers matching, all original, build- sheet toting, yada, yada, yada Mopar. And when you find that 1970 Sport Fury GT, V-Code barn find with 100 original miles (ok, that’s my fantasy, but you get the point), it still won’t mean as much as this one, right now. You never forget your first love, EVER. So, here is what you need to do. Get it running. Put some seats in it and as soon as the sun is out DRIVE it. Take Grandpa and Dad and the girl and DRIVE it to the local ice cream shop. Then take it to the park. Then DRIVE it home, put a cover on it and wait for the next sunny day and do it all over again. You don’t realize it but perfection is already staring you in the face.
You hit a rough patch.
And you got through it.
It happens to everybody up North by the end of Feb. or so.
Cabin fever and daylight deprivation.
The days are getting longer and warmer again.
Posted via Topify on Android
This is great advise Nick. Enjoy Angel for what he is, Not what he was or could be.
And goals are a good motivator too, but be perpaired in case your goal can't be met.
I know your on a budget but finding and buying a low cost collector car that you can use and enjoy at local cruise in's and shows will take a lot of pressure off the Fury project. It could be a 4 door sedan but it might provide the needed "fix" to maintain your motivation.
Whatever ...... glad to see you come out of your "slump", it happens to all of us.
I had one of those put a 400 sbc in it what a fun ride, sold it and bought an engagment ring, I have to say it was a good swap/move definately got more miles out of my
(young woman and I have plans......)
Nick: That car looks like its almost ready to go. Why don't you throw a couple of front seats in it, fire it up and hit the road ? You are getting very close to that point.
I was going to film a whole movie, but couldn't think of a plot ;) Sorry Dad, no pictures of what we'll be doing!
I keep thinking that, then I remember I have to do Exhaust, wiring, brake lines, wiring, fuel lines, wiring, brakes, wiring, and some cooling system stuff, oh yeah and some wiring.
Being reminded of Nicks age does that to you. Car definitely looks better with the fender. For Nick's car and us old guys it's all downhill from here.Scary part about that Nick is I did that in 1991, sold it in 1993. Damn I'm getting old
Some day pop we can have a long talk about it........I took one picture, just to tease (I'm told I'm a tease sometimes, but thats another story all together)
Funny enough, the engine harness is good except for a few bits I would like to fix! Me being anal about things is the majority of my problem I think.Just wire up the engine and fuggedabout the rest of it. . .
So Ive spent the last few days reading this thread from the beginning and its inspirational to say the least. I'm glad you decided to stick with it. I was pretty... lets say distracted when I was 18. as everyone has been saying if I had your motivation...
Anyway keep it up
I Think it's more like a Plateau, as apposed to Down hill LOLBeing reminded of Nicks age does that to you. Car definitely looks better with the fender. For Nick's car and us old guys it's all downhill from here.
LOL I'm only 26 don't lump me in with these geezerss_dancing2:but seriously you're really rocking on this one. And I always thought a car you rebuilt yourself sounded good on a resume.