Thanks for the update, Nick.
Gotta keep my C Body family apprised of my situation.
Anyway, Wednesday night at 11:40 PM I decided to gut my hand to the bone, Girlfriend was nice enough to get out of bed, pick me up and sit with me at the ER till they sewed me back up (I'm a giant chicken when it comes to hospitals, doctors, needles, and the like), I got home at 2:45 AM Thursday stitched up, got in to work a half hour late a 9:00 AM and worked all day even though I was told not to use my hand and to not lift anything.
Anywho. I tinkered all weekend, doing the best I could one handed.
Turns out, whoever had this engine before the guy I bought it from spent a lot of money.
I found the following new parts and things done;
new con. Rods,
new pistons,
new rings,
new gaskets top to bottom,
new seals,
new fuel pump,
new oil pump,
new pickup tube and screen,
double roller timing chain,
its been punched out .020",
new water pump,
new crank and bearings,
and he topped it off with #302 Swirl port heads, an electronic ignition and a new Carter 2 barrel.
So that seems pretty good for a $200 engine.
I decided that its time for a 4 barrel...........Girlfriend, her mom and myself talked me into it. Actually my girlfriend's exact words were "Go big or go home sweetie, besides it sounds better when it's kicking up"
I like when she talks about cars. I was showing her pictures from Carlise and heard a few times "I Like Dusters.....'Cuda's.....Coke Bottle Chargers are sexy.....................I'd like a Road Runner one day.........Is that a 340?.........Holy thats a Hemi Car........."
That kinda stuff just makes me smile like a fool.....
anyway, enough of me rambling, this saturday the 360 goes bye-bye (its paying for the 318), and I'm going over to the scrap yard with the grinder, generator, and some zip-disc's to cut a piece out of the trunk of a Polara so I can figure out how to put my gas tank in my car. Then I'll head over to the girlfriends and wait for her to get home from work, she has promised me an evening of the Rockford Files.
Oh Yeah found a few trucks on my way home and Couldn't resist.