73 Imperial "McGoldy" to join the Minnesota herd.

Think I just got my Xmas card money shot...only I didn't turn on park lights.:BangHead:
Maybe I'll try again, later.
We have seen every Red already, so when it`s time for McGoldy and Tina to pose together? Silver and gold would supplement each other.
We have seen every Red already, so when it`s time for McGoldy and Tina to pose together? Silver and gold would supplement each other.
The silver one (Tina Patina) is at the shop in queue after a couple other shop projects are completed...she won't be out and about anytime soon with winter on our doorsteps.
With red and green bulbs in the turn signal housings. ( filter wrapped of course because the font make a green or red bulb). Just thinking.... I’m a visual guy remember?
I could mess around with the photo editor and add color after the fact.
It Needs to be darker for the right mood.
This combo is kinda interesting. I ordered up 15 cards through Shutterfly with no effect to see the quality...they are usually pretty good card stock too.
Red and green are okay, but what is the reason for blue? Does it relate to the cold and snowy period in MN?
Because the color blue has worked it's way into the Christmas color scheme.

Blue and silver
Blue and green
Red and blue
Blue red and green
All great Christmas combos
Put colored gels temporarily on the turn signal bulbs and wire some lights onto the wreath.

That would be cool.
Put colored gels temporarily on the turn signal bulbs and wire some lights onto the wreath.

That would be cool.

And a cat sitting on the hood, so all the dogs would stare at the same spot.