It must pass tail-pipe emissions, a dyno test (in Smog Check II areas like the LA basin), and pass a visual inspection. The latter is what demands factory-correct pollution control devices.Are you allowed to only have to meet exhaust emission levels, or does it have to be met the way it was met back to that year. In other words, you don't have the original smog pump but you're spewing out levels that meet standards?
Example: Someone in Sacramento (SCII area) has an '86 Chrysler wit the Mitsu 2.6 motor. It fails the test - as most of those motor do. One cause is the distributor. The law states it must be factory. But, those are no longer available. So, the owner swaps in a 2.2 Chrysler motor form the same year, with all of the controls in place and operating. Result? FAIL!! It MUST be factory!!!
That's a true story. About twenty years ago you could buy a Dodge 400 or a Chrysler Le Baron for about 200 bucks if it had the Mitsu motor - they will not pass and you cannot change them except for what the VIN dictates what was in the car. It's crap!!