For Sale 78 NYB

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Would the factory tires have had that wide of a white wall? The photos don't have any close ups of the treads so no real telling from here if they're at least bias or radials. My guess is these are not the original tires. It doesn't matter anyway, you wouldn't want them in the first place.
Good point and good observation! Looking again I agree with you.
If the Imperial is done being painted.... I think it's going in next weekend, I may bring the NYB too. If I can get Sammie to drive one.
The thing I don't like about this car aside from the center molding is the light blue interior. Chrysler should have kept the dark blue interiors or at least gave you an option for the dark blue!
If anybody's interested and.... you're probably not....I talked to the owner of this Dk. blue '78 10 days ago and I told him to advertise over here. I think he realizes that this car....although very nice is way over priced and by placing an add over here he'll know that most Mopar and Formal guys in general will never, ever offer anything even close (probably less than half) of what he's asking! Anyway, the "Blue Pig" is listed over on ebay again for the 5th or 6th time!
in 1978 radial 1.6" white walls were an option, code U84 , they were listed as wide wsw for wide white side wall.....
the 1.6" www were standard as part of the 1978 Salon package
I bought a set of 4 1.6" whitewalls a couple years ago haven't used them yet....still have them wrapped in the plastic they came in! BTW this vehicle above is nice!!
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