And how was your C-body driving season.


Old Man with a Hat
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Sebring, Florida
Every student will be required to give a brief presentation in front of the class now that School has started for the new year.
TOPIC: Tell everybody about what's new that happened over the summer.:eek:ccasion14:
Just starting. I'm gonna make the most of this short 9 months of great weather before summer hits again.
Mine never really ends, unless we get that rare snowstorm or icy apocalypse from Hell. I DID get to enjoy the Imperial this year, as it was up on jackstands last year while I restored the front brakes and took care of a couple of electrical issues - damn, that car drives nice!
I started this spring with full intentions of getting my Barracuda on the racetrack. Spoiler alert that did not happen, with truck rearend breakage and other normal life things popping up it was a longshot. The good news is I bought some parts at Carlilse that alowed me to combine with other parts to put a new "fun" engine in my Challenger (the #matching 383 resting comfortably in the corner) and go make some passes, which I did. I did not get the 3.23 thru the mufflers 13s I was looking for but I am knocking on the 100 mph trap speed so I am heading in the right direction. The car drives okay on the road so I am finishing the season till the snow flies putting some miles on it, I will swap the converter and rebuild the carb before it comes back out next spring, and get my mid 13. In the meantime bodywork is hopefully finishing up on my Barracuda and reassembly over the winter.
The Newport stayed up on the lift all summer while I enjoyed the NYB.
The NYB ran beautifuly throughout the hot Florida summer with the exception of the A/C taking a crap last weekend. R2 compressors are getting harder to source and the prices are skyrocketing.
Everybody loves the new paint with some people having reservations about the two tone paint and the newly tinted windows. Fine with me. As long as they appreciate all the other details that make this my dreamboat. After the Garlits show, it will replace the Newport up on the pedestal and the Newport will come down for the winter.
As far as any updates on the Newport, some rust on the trunk lip was taken care of and if and when I can finagle finances, the next step will be to give it to Rafael, the painter of my NYB. I'll wait another year or two on the interior. The Flowmaster 40's are now irritating the crap out of me so they'll be swapped out asap. Bought a bunch of doohickies for it over the summer and I'll use the winter to get all them taken care of.
And I'm gonna just drive it, :D
"downers": took an epic fail on getting my '67 Crown Coupe ready -- vexing electrical issues trying my (er...the people i am paying to fix it) patience and wallet. bailing on my last C project ('68 Fury hardtop coupe) to put into CC.

"uppers": got all the cop sleds exercised sufficiently, and got the 3.23 SureGrip in '71 Newport.

winter plan: finish CC, and then some non-mopar stuff to get done.
Dave What about your 68 Charger what is the Story with that?

That is the car that my son 11 likes best so it is heading toward being a father, son project. I have made some patches for the drivers fender, floors are in frame connectors are in. It has a long way to go.
That is the car that my son 11 likes best so it is heading toward being a father, son project. I have made some patches for the drivers fender, floors are in frame connectors are in. It has a long way to go.
Your Boy has Great taste, Yet again How can anyone not Be in Awe of a 68 Charger lol But whenever you get your Barracuda Painted please Post some pics. I like to live vicariously through Others Projects.
We had a great summer with the 300. Did a couple excursions into PA (including Carlisle) and one into CT. Toured the wine country along the Finger Lakes and attended a bunch of cruises and a couple shows. About 4000 miles, most with the top down.

On the mechanical side, I got the A/C replacement/conversion working and while I still have a couple "tweaks" to do, I'm pretty happy with the results. I changed the rear springs and I also junked the Rube Goldberg exhaust that came with the car for a new TTI system.

I drove the car to work a couple times too.... I still have my garage privileges... It was interesting parking that long car in the tight confines....

Goldie came out of her winter slumber great and drove her all of April and then had fuel delivery issues, diagnosed the problem almost immediately thanks to Matt's experience of a short pull rod for the fuel pump. 6 weeks later with new push rod stuck in block, I got an electric fuel pump installed and working along with a rear sway bar from feel firm. Sway bar is a great addition.

Next down time lasted one week band condenser and the only time I got a tow, next down time lasted 2 days and was another bad condenser. Through all these issues I really got to know my car better and put 2,000 miles on her evenings and weekends. My longest trip of 120 miles round trip. Mostly 15 to 50 mile drives.

This winter I plan to remove the pushrod and reinstall the mechanical fuel pump. My plan is to leave the electric fuel pump on, but install a switch and just use it to prime the carb at start up. If anyone see a problem with this let me know. Next thing is to check my compression, if the numbers are still good I plan on pulling the heads and do a valve job. If they are OK but not great, I probably won't do anything and save for a full rebuild in another year or so.


Drove the 300 a bunch this year & she just cruises like a dream. Also put a decent number of miles on the Pimperial until my newly rebuilt brake booster took a ****, again....
Well....the biggest event was the NYB being hit and dragged while it was parked by an....well you know the rest. I don't want to get the PC police riled up today.

That event made it easy for me to finally make the 1978 NYB my daily driver. I could buy two low mileage, rust free NYB's from out west with the money it would cost to completely repair the rust, accident damage and complete paint and new vinyl.

I did drive it a lot this summer and racked up another 6,000 miles this summer without any long distances trips.

I also finished up getting all the parts for my 1978 Newport and I hope to have it running before the end of the year.


Absolutely zero car stuff this year other than "must do" repairs.....

The house on the other hand got lots done.. And still needs more...

That and given this summer was sorta crappy...
My neighbor did take my Satty to cruise nights for me
and I even drove it about 50 mile myself this year...
But off to park it away inna couple weeks....

Hmm,, does starting up the '71 Imperial count at alll.......? :D
From a weather perspective we had a good summer. As usual there wasn't enough time to get out as much as I'd like. No major changes with the cars but road wheels and 1" white walls ended up on the Monaco. Now both cars wear the same shoes. As usual Moparfest was the highlight of the summer.

Group pic.jpg

Group pic.jpg
Not much. Drove the car once as just about every single Sunday the temps were above 90 degrees. My upper limit for being out in sun is 85 degrees. Of course, stupid me, I was on top of the Hornet, working away for 6 hours in what turned out to be 91 degree heat. Drank lots of water up there but when I came down for lunch at 3 pm I wasn't myself at all. Not sure where I was, sat in a stupor for 1 hour till I cooled off and then tried to go back up. Dumb. Got home at 8 pm and then literally crashed into bed at 9 pm and passed out till the morning.

Now tomorrow the temp is set to be 76 and partly cloudy so I will take the car out. Only after I pick up an engine lift at 9am and eat breakfast. Just freeway driving which around here is really no longer any fun simply because there are too many people in the region now.

The only car stuff this summer? Dealing with the damn intake manifold on my 390 which is coming off again (fifth time) tomorrow. Nothing like having a one year old new engine with no drive time on it yet.
This was a good year for me. First, it was the arrival of my newest aquisition


There were not that many really good weekends, but I managed to put over 1000 miles on the wagon over the summer. Some of that had to do with the fact that I felt if I had to drive with the top up on the 300, I might as well drive a car that has a roof, and of course the new toy get played with more than the old one. I still managed to put 3-400 miles on the convertible. That's not too bad considering the amount of time I spent away from home.


Today was a nice day and I took them out for a drive, cleaned them up, and tucked them away. If the weather holds out, I may yet take one or the other out once more.




Nice thread Stan.

I posted this in my main Imperial thread the other day.

Season ender.

A month ago the most recent rebuild on the turn signal switch failed as the parts used to repair them just aren't up to the long term task. I unplugged it and jumped a few wires so that I could keep driving with brake lights but without turn signals or a horn and while I hated it it was better than not driving it at all. I already have the replacement part that I actually was able to find at an Alabama dealership NOS. it's not the tilt/tele switch but it's a standard one with cornering lights and the tele shaft will have to be added to it.
Having overcome that hiccup I continued driving up until last week when I could no longer ignore my seeping 4 piston calipers. I unbolted them for a visual and to see if there was anything obvious I could do to them to be able to finish out the season but two of the four pads are saturated with fluid and the other two are worn with a slight wedge shape. I've got pads coming from Craig over at Mobil Parts and have yet to order some rebuilt calipers but I will soon. I think I put almost 4,000 miles on it since spring and loved every one of them!
Here it is in Grand Haven, On the Lake Michigan shoreline during its longest road trip this summer, about 600 flawless miles.
