I started this spring with full intentions of getting my Barracuda on the racetrack. Spoiler alert that did not happen, with truck rearend breakage and other normal life things popping up it was a longshot. The good news is I bought some parts at Carlilse that alowed me to combine with other parts to put a new "fun" engine in my Challenger (the #matching 383 resting comfortably in the corner) and go make some passes, which I did. I did not get the 3.23 thru the mufflers 13s I was looking for but I am knocking on the 100 mph trap speed so I am heading in the right direction. The car drives okay on the road so I am finishing the season till the snow flies putting some miles on it, I will swap the converter and rebuild the carb before it comes back out next spring, and get my mid 13. In the meantime bodywork is hopefully finishing up on my Barracuda and reassembly over the winter.