And how was your C-body driving season.

The view out my front door this morning....

My season is over.
All depends how accurate they are about El Nino. Some winters we get zero snow. I drive year round as long as there is no salt on the road.
After thrashing to get my Polara on the road this spring, I finally got it roadworthy. Put probably 3000 miles on it before my $200 Craigslist 400 gave up the ghost. I must admit, it was a pretty strong runner(1-0 in acceleration trials) with its Eddy RPM intake, Holley, and HP manifolds into TTI exhaust, and 3.55 Suregrip. 451 shortblock is going together as we speak. Cant wait til next spring, my brothers' Charger and Super Bee are on the hit list. Numbers 1&2 on the callout list here in the 507. ha ha!
The Newport-season started in April, changeing places in the garage with my winter car, a MB 560SEL, which is always on winter wheels with studs. Use the Newport as daily driver and will do so until start of November, depending on wheather. Estimate that I will have done 7000 miles or so with it by then.

During the season I have continued working with the interior, improving sound proofing, rebuilt the front end, upgrading to Pertronix pickup in the original distributor, rust sealed the rear end, changing head lights to H4 and connecting them thru relay (major improvement) and lots of other minor stuff.

I attended perhaps 7-10 car events like Stockholm cruising night, last Friday every month May - September, Rättvik Classic Car week and other. Not getting as much attention to the Newport as when attending with my Buick Riviera -65, but the ride getting there is so much more comfortable in the C-body.
Short, cold, wet. Pick one - oh, waite a minute, you can pick all of them.

Thank you very much for asking.
Hello ALL,
My C body season is finally starting, PHOENIX, AZ. Finally cool enough for me to do some work. My goal is to be cruising by Christmas. Anybody have any fuel, vapor separator hose diagrams???I have no fuel to the carb?
Went through "Carmageddon" this summer. All three of the daily drivers broke down within a week, and ended up spending all of my money and time getting and keeping them on the road. It's been 6 years and I have yet to experience C body driving. Next year it will happen.
bought the car in the first weekend in june, pretty uneventful, blew the fuse link when i hit the brights, foot switch was bad, popped a fan belt when i was 3 miles from work, didn't know i broke it until i popped the hood at work AAA'd it home after work... 47y/o car things tend to break, fixing it when i can. keeping me happy and distracted with car related thoughts
Well I managed to get both the big Merc and Polara out today for a 1 hour drive each. Back to back and it really shows the difference between the two. The power of the big Merc is hard to beat compared to the 360 Dodge. Handling different with the big Merc having a very solid ride even though the two cars are probably within 150 lbs. of each other. The Dodge definitely likes 70mph better than 65mph. Big Merc doesn't care and so it was up to 95 to pass someone. Didn't realize it till I looked. Only issue with the Dodge is the annoying sound of sheet metal hitting something inside the dash on the passenger side. Sounds like a cookie sheet pan being hit.
car show season is getting to an end.

The black Imperial, which also gets used as a summer daily drove 6.000 miles this year.
No flaws or breakdown despite one worn tire which needed to be replaced.

The 69 Sport Fury vert only made 2.000 miles mainly to shows and crusing around in good weather. One rear sidewindow doesn't go down anymore and it sucks electricity. Maybe the same mistake, will have to check that. Power steering pressure hose died, it was an easy fix but I had to wait 3 weeks for the replacement in the summer.

The 69 Chrysler 300 (late fall/winter/early spring car) made a great job as usual and got a couple of thousand miles, too.

My 69 CHP Polara hasn't been on the road this year. It is buried in a corner and I wasn't in the mood to pull it out.

Frankenstein-Cucamonga (70/71 Polara) is just freshly on the road and got its first 150 miles. We still need to sort out some smaller flaws.

My 71 Sport Fury has been driven 75 miles yet. It loves to break down all the time and develop new problems. Sometimes I think they are not many parts left on the car to fail. But it constantly proves me wrong.

The 70 SFGT got just picked up and is sitting in the corner.