Anyone running turndowns?


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2013
Reaction score
New Jersey
I have 3" exhaust all the way back and was thinking of removing the tail pipes and installing turn-downs. I don't mind it being a little louder as it's not driven much.
I would want them to exit in front of the rear wheels.
Anyone have turn-downs on their ride?
yep, I have full tail pipes I can unbolt and bolt turndowns on, have had the turndowns on for the last year.
big blopck with twin 2.5 inch thru flowmaster delta 40s. turndown just before the diff pointing out and down towards side of the car
quite a bit louder then the tailpipes, a lot more rumble to the exhaust. gets a lot of positive comments on how it sounds.
downsides, its loud, but I don't mind that. It also kicks up a lot of dust, you have to clean your wheels and car more often.
Yeah I figured it be kickin up dust more. My buddy has them on his big block Nova and it sounds sweet..! With the 3" exhaust I have and the cam, I think it would sound badass. I heard so many different opinions on performance about this subject. For example, the car will be faster,.no the will be slower. Don't know what to believe.
Yeah mine dumps right before the axle. Inside the garage at idle it'll rattle the package tray but you can still talk at a normal level. Once it's outside it's much better.

3" from the collector out, through some Summit street/strip chambered muffs, to the axle.

It's not staying like that, as soon as the next swap meet comes around I'll finish dumping out behind the rear tire. There's a guy selling pre bent 3" stainless pipe for $5 a section. When cut right I get a nice 45, a 90 and about 4ft of straight. I just didn't pick up enough last time out to make it to where I wanted it.
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Well then I'll be spending more time cleaning then,..LOL. I can get the 3" turndowns from the local parts house right in my town for $9 bucks. I'll need to add in 2 hangers though.
I have dumps on mine, before the rear axle. It rattles everything in my garage when I back her in, LOVE IT. In my opinion, the exhaust is the opposite of a well behaved kid, it should heard and not seen.... And as an added bonus, you can't beat the dust vortices it kicks up when you get into the secondaries.
Did anyone mention the smell of exhaust fumes in the car while the car is just sitting while idling at a traffic light?If you dump them forward of the rear wheels,you will get some exhaust seeping it's way thru the rear windows if they're open.I do agree,that turndowns do hinder a little performance from the engine,but it's probably not noticable.Anything that would restict exhaust flow out/thru a tailpipe is restrictive;think of it this way....spray a garden hose a foot from the ground and you can feel the pressure backing up in the hose,same thing with your exhaust system.
That makes a lot of sense. Really the only way to put this to rest is to run the car with tail pipes and then with the turndowns to see what the differance is. Just a thought though, why would most of the HP track cars and street cars run a turndown then?
That makes a lot of sense. Really the only way to put this to rest is to run the car with tail pipes and then with the turndowns to see what the differance is. Just a thought though, why would most of the HP track cars and street cars run a turndown then?
Some engines need a little back pressure to help burn off what is in the combustion chambers rather than taking it in and out too quickly and not having a chance to utilize all the fuel that is being brought into the combustion chamber.
Learn something new every day. I'm really torn between doing this or not. the reason is if I drive the car a long distance the drone maybe horrible to deal with.