Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

A quick first cruise night...

Another cruise night last Friday. Car was swarmed... Hood latches are on, 3rd door skin brackets on, front fenders rolled but will still need more tweaking. They still rub on hard turns. Wife finally went for a ride. Asks if the heat works, nope, blower motor doing nothing... I'll need that for an October 14th ride to the sea coast. Plan now is more fender tweaking, refine the rear bumper brackets so the bumper doesn't look like it's falling off. (they were made very quickly and a rough guess).... I'd like to get the 1959 roof panel tacked in place.... we'll see if I can do that before the 14th.

The car loses power occasionally. Not sure why. It pulls hard and steady right up to the 5.7's redline but twice has lost most if not all power but it came right back... Maybe fuel delivery. Not sure how long the crasher was sitting around.