Cable driven 727 Transmission Issue


Feb 7, 2014
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Hello - been working on my 1964 Chrysler New Yorker 2-door project for quite some time - there are pictures of it on here in another thread. January 2024 I had to install a different transmission in the car as the original had a badly JB fixed hole in the side that started to bleed. I grabbed my best looking cable driven 727 I had in longterm storage and the install went great. I have had it in the car for over a year now and had been working great. I mean, the car is unregistered and still in mid-restoration, so it's biggest trip has been around the block a couple of times but mostly in and out of the garage.

Last weekend it stopped going back and forth. It no longer goes in gear. The push-button engages and I knew gear changers were working at the transmission end because the neutral switch wouldn't let the car start when in not in neutral. But that weekend, we (the whole family - heavy car) pushed the car back into the garage and decided to ignore it for a week.

Next weekend, same deal, no-go forward or backward. I checked the fluid still lots and lots of fluid. So I dropped the pan. There was a certain amount of grey sludge in the bottom of the pan - enough to drag my finger through and make pictures. I figure maybe enough to clog the new - last January filter. But other than one black spot - the filter is still very yellow.

My plan next is to, drain the torque converter, install a new filter, re-install the pan, fill with new Transmission fluid then install a clear hose between the cooler lines (so I can see if it's pumping). My hope is that it may come back to life? There was no catastrophic noise, I did check the fluid with the car running and in gear back when I installed this transmission - it was fine. But I am hoping it was somehow low on fluid - it has been leaking a bit via a joint in the cooling line - but could that be enough? Wouldn't it give me a sign it was low on fluid? I added a half a quart when it stopped working - no change.

I suspect this could be that the transmission is thrashed and needs a rebuild (and that's not the end or world) but, other than the grey goop in the pan, no outwardly signs of issues until it stopped working. I have searched the forums and other than being low on fluid, 727s are rather hearty and don't usually go out like this so any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Is there an in-pan magnet to catch errant metal "dust" and such? I doubt the "gray goop" is an issue with your problem. You can find a chart in the FSM about which clutch packs/bands are applied in each gear position. Perhaps that might help figure things out?

Please keep us posted on your progress,