Can you identify this car under the cover?

I was hoping I would speak to someone who knows this car. The car is in storage from a 3rd party and I didn't feel right asking the owners of the building to unlock and building and let me pull back the cover. I have submitted another photo to help.

I will be honest I have never seen a Marauder around town, but there is no indication that this car has left it's current home recently. I still have one of the sisters to talk to, she may at least know the owner of the car, and I could give him a call. Chances are I probably know him I live in a small town.

Here is another angle that may put the mystery to rest. I really don't know at this point.


I had said it was a 1970 ford torino fastback but now that i look at it i can rule that out, i also dont think its Stan's or 70nport's guess as when you look at the side roof drip rail it curves gently down and does not have a corner before going down.
Ok here is another guess on my part, a 69 chevelle cos of the drip rail being curved.69 chevelle.jpg

69 chevelle.jpg
What's the over impression of the "bulk" as you see it in the garage??
I'm hedging my bets.
99% chance it's one of these two.

Wow that's a lot closer Stan, I think that blows my guess out of the water, but look at the slight bodyline a couple of inches down from the top edge of the rear quarter running towards the front?
Somehow also shows there were some generic elements in car design even back in the day. If I find some more time I'll put on my thinking cap unless zymurgy ends the torture before.