Carlisle 2015...who's going?

Oh and Zak. We all know family comez first Dude but come on. Most every body getz married at least once and quite ah few try it more then once. 'Sidez, They don't want no stinkin' toasterz or crock potz anyway. Slip ah couple $50s in the card and lick ah stamp. Their so high on event and each other they don't know you're there anyway!
This is the scene from my windshield this morning....
View attachment 47541

And I have the summertime blues more now than ever before, and what is smack in the middle of summer but Carlisle.
I have my Hotel reservations, I sent my vehicle registrations in and now I gotta wait for July.
Who else has their reservations in and car registered? Who's going? Only four months left , let's get this party started ....
I can't wait for this snow to end in upstateNY! I find myself going out to the garage and looking at the cars wondering when it will get warm enough to work on them and take them out for a ride. I too can't wait for Carlisle. The reservations will be made today and look forward to seeing all. Dave you said you can get onto the field on Thursday and check out vendors as well? That might be a plan for me if I can get away for Thursday and get a jump on checking out the vendors.Looking forward to seeing your new ride as well.
I don't know if number 2 will be there Doug.... can get on the field Thursday, you always were able to, they just didn't promote it
Doin' everything I can to make it happen Dave. Even got somebody stoppin' by to scoop the litter box every day or so, puttin' ah cat nip collar on the wife so the cat will still love her but the issue iz the length of the visit to Pennsylvania. Shelby Dodge Automobile Club if holding their National this year in Lancaster the 5th thru' the 9th and theirz guyz comin' all the way from SoCal to see what I've been doin' to my GT Scamp and pix just won't do it! Then a straight drive to Carlisle for the next 4 dayz making only one stop along the way to resupply the cooler wthe St Pauli. Then I've got ah Car-Bud that is hosting the 60th Anniversary party of the letter cars for both 300 clubz beginning August 'tween the 5th and the 9th in Macungie, Pa. AND HEZ HOLDING AH 357 TO MY HEAD NOT TO MISS IT AND I OWE HIM. And our only kid will turn another click on her year book the 11th. I can afford the back and forth stuff but by the time I get back from Macungie half the street people in Wilmington, N.C. will be wearing every piece of clothing I used to own including the boxerz and I'll be sleeping in an L-body pickup and hoping the shift knob iz still attached to the floor and not somewhere painful. Decisionz Decisionz
I don't know if number 2 will be there Doug.... can get on the field Thursday, you always were able to, they just didn't promote it

If you have a vehicle pass you can get onto the field as early as Tuesday. I have vendor spaces and we usually roll in on Wednesday and get our pop up camper set up on my spaces. We stay within the fairgrounds for the entire event.
Most pro vendors are set up by Thursday and the "garage goodie" vendors rolling in on Friday.

I haven't made the commitment yet for 2015. I've already got 5 multi day car show road trips on the schedule, starting next week at the Big Easy show in New Orleans. I may just sublet my spaces at Carlisle and take a breather.
Thanks Will, as I said on page one you can roll in all week early, but no one may be there.....

You may steer clear of Carlisle this year? That is not good news
Actually, not a bad idea, I'll look into it! Visit the relatives in Chicago while I'm there too (last time in the Windy City was 2006). And take in a visit to the Grand Spaulding Dodge site, that was something that I always wanted to do when living there in 1999 (working long hours and time slipped away I guess. What's that called again? Oh yes,

But seriously, would be great to get to the show, and meet everyone in person.

Just fly in and hang out with me Aidan. I'm not bringing a car either ;)
Jer will make it. Even if we have to lay bait


HUMMMM. Somethin' better then ah blowup doll in the trunk I 'spect. DID I SAY THAT? lol, SORRY PAL, THAT LITE BULB WENT ON AND I COULDN'T HELP IT, HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA

Looking forward to finally meeting you Jer!
I'm not a big drinker so you'll have to think of something other than beer. Besides if a few thousand old Mopars along with you guys all sitting in the same field isn't enough to get me to drop what I'm doing and drive my Imp *** over there than what I'm doing likely couldn't be dropped.
I'm so motivated about Carlisle today that I'm going over what parts I have for the Newport and what I still need to get it roadworthy.
Dont start talkin' 'bout guyz in fieldz or even fieldz tah me Matt mah fren'. I know I shoulda give yeah the location of the field where my two raven haired beauyz hang out but I might be back to Michigan sooner then yeah think fer ah visit and if I tell you 'zactlly where they iz I know you'd try 'n steal 'um fer yourself. 'Sidez, I trained 'um to back up to the fence when I give 'um the rooty-toot - toot on the air horn 'cuz they know I'm approachin' and whatz in store for both of 'um. Soon az the weather brakez I'll be on the big bird headed tah the MOTOR CITY tah show 'um I haven't forgot 'um!