Carlisle 2020 Official Thread

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Very nice photos David.

My surprise in seeing them is all the options that Wyatt's Polara convertible has on it. Are they all original to the car or did he add any? Have we ever seen a body code plate on that car? I love that car more each time I see even more of it!
Made it home, but not before having a friendly chat with a Minnesota State Trooper 58 miles short of home. Oh well, that's the worst of my weekend, and I'll take that any day. A little over 2700 miles put on, and I loved every one of them, can't wait to do it again next year!

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Always plead not guilty. Make them work for your money if they ticket u. By pleading not guilty you have a chance that officer will not show up and you win your case. If not, come up with some sort of good excuse like your car is old and the speedometer is off or think of something to get urself off the hook. U will have about a month and half before u are due in court to meet the judge and officer friendly. If all else, U will most likey be granted less of a fine and no points by the judge if he or she is not a total A hole or if they dont believe some story you have and find u guilty and dont offer reduction of fine and no points by all means straight out and ask the judge . Been there done that a few times with speeding tickets it works.

"I'm sorry officer, but I've been on the road for the past 3 hours and I'm "prarie dogging" here. Those tacos just aren't settling well and I'm trying to get home or a rest stop. If I'm here much longer I'll explode, i hope you can understand, I'm sure you've been in the same situation at some point.:rofl:
The prosecuting attorney will usually plead it down to a lesser non moving violation charge. The fine doesn't always come down with it but at least you avoid demerit points and a hit on your insurance.

Made it home, but not before having a friendly chat with a Minnesota State Trooper 58 miles short of home. Oh well, that's the worst of my weekend, and I'll take that any day. A little over 2700 miles put on, and I loved every one of them, can't wait to do it again next year!

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That needs to be framed and hung in the shop!
Plead guilty, tell them the lamest excuse (they have heard them all) and hope they are in a good mood.

I always smile when the officer walks up, and I ask him: "How fast was I going?" When he tells me, I say: "Holy Krap! I had no idea I was going that fast. This car is very deceptive . . ." Last time this happened, I got a warning instead of an 80 in a 65 ticket.
Sammie got a couple pics on her cell phone, though not the official "Photographer" and taken at the last minute, at least they're something...

Now comes the hard part, who's who for us newbies. :rolleyes:

I see Wyatt, Dave and Scott but the rest I am uncertain.....................
I'll probably just pay the fine, court might not work with my schedule, but I'll look into it at the very least. I just want to know where he was hiding, never saw him until he was catching me. :eek:
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First a big thanks to Tim Wyatt & Scott for there support and help. Couldn't had a better time. Meeting everyone was so cool. For those who weren't here or had left early a couple of award pics.


Made it home, but not before having a friendly chat with a Minnesota State Trooper 58 miles short of home. Oh well, that's the worst of my weekend, and I'll take that any day. A little over 2700 miles put on, and I loved every one of them, can't wait to do it again next year!

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Yeah they really like to catch you going through Austin on I-90.
I found that out when I was going to school in Austin for auto body.
Yeah they really like to catch you going through Austin on I-90.
I found that out when I was going to school in Austin for auto body.
I usually scoot through pretty good, funny thing is I was just wondering about it and bam!