And one simply further Left than the other.
While we're at it, Socialism in the US actually began during Teddy Roosevelt's presidency. While Woodrow Wilson, one of the top five worst US presidents ever, created the Federal Reserve and the personal Income Tax (which started out at a mere three percent and a one-page tax return!). Creeping along to FDR, who stretched the Depression out to fill his political aims, and whose "social programs" were the beginning of the current multi-trillion-dollar-debt welfare state we are today.
So, yeah, you are correct, it DID start over a hundred years ago. So-called "progressives" are nothing more than re-distributors of wealth. Legal thieves of Americans' wealth, labor, and property; all to benefit the all-powerful Federal government. The current occupier of government housing at 1600 is simply accelerating that pace to a phenomenal, and in the end, destructive end game.
That is FACT, not opinion, not hearsay, not "right-wing" propaganda. Just plain old FACT.