Just a suggestion. Perhaps it would be profitable for you to really examine why you are poorer than you were 5 or 6 years ago rather than just place blame on Obama. Wall Street banks and the mortgage industry along with all the politicians taking their money for their campaigns (along with the Supreme Court that says corporations are people) have rigged the system in favor of the rich, and congress will not put any restraints on these big banks and corporations. And the rich just keep feeding Fox News so you will hate Obama and blame him. He isn't really the big problem, and even though I do not agree with everything he does, the problem is Congress, particularly the House where they obstruct Obama's efforts to restrict the big banks every time, and refuse to do anything that would help the middle class (like pay a fair minimum wage where if a person works hard for a 40 hour week, he shouldn't live in poverty - but the House blocked that too). You can keep complaining and blaming Obama, but we are getting hosed, and so many here on this Board keep supporting those who are really to blame, and finding it easy and convenient to blame Obama. That is just self destructive. This president deserves our support a whole lot more than he is getting. And so the banks continue to use our money (not theirs) to make risky ventures that pose a real threat of another bubble that is going to break again. And the rich continue to pour money into campaigns designed to influence the electorate in their favor with glossy mail with all the platitudes of that they think voters want to hear, all the while their owned politicians care nothing about the middle class. If you really want change, then you have to spend the time to look at the voting records of the politicians running in your District and then vote. But rather than spend the time doing that, it is easier to just blame Obama while we keep going down................... You can't solve a problem that you don't understand.