Fan runs when AC and heat off


Old Man with a Hat
Nov 24, 2014
Reaction score
Rockland; Venango County Pennsylvania
1968 New Yorker with air conditioning

With the OFF button pushed on the heart and AC controls as son as you turn the key to run you hear the AC compressor clutch click and the fan will runs on all the speeds.

I don't remembering it functioning like this previously. It still does this if I pull the guys for heat and AC.

With the fuse removed there is power on both sides of the block.

I've done the ampmeter bypass. Also installed an aftermarket radio in a console. I've removed it.

I have not cut the wiring harness and it looks factory.

The light green and tan wires seem to be switched, but the tan is no where near long enough to reach.

See how there is a 3 prong plug on both the resistor and the vacuum switch. Well when we put the heater box back in those plugs and the single LGN and T got put in the wrong place. Due to a new "h" valve leaking we had the box in and out more times than I want to remember. So the last time they got switched around.