I’ve messed with the car since the small fire incident and I have not any issues with heating. I’ve took temperatures at the floorpan above the muffler and it hasn’t even came close enough to a temperature that would straight melt the paint.. it’ll be something I pay attention too in the future - but I think it was just a perfect set of events between it being a scolding hot day, the engine being throttled and not moving to be able to cool off under the car - and bubble wrap under the seat. I’ll try and recover the seat but the springs and frame of the seat might be a little too chard. I’ll have to check that out.
The car has a pretty wicked oil leak directly from the oil filter that drips slowly over night and pours when running. Seems to have appeared over night. The transmission pan has a small leak as well.
Replaced all the fuses today and trying to work on some of the lighting. The left side park lights didn’t work but the turn signals did. Looks like there was some kind of attempted splice that didn’t hold up. Will try and solder it up and make it better. Rear left marker light is the same way. There are a lot of home made and backyard fixes throughout this car it seems through the years to keep it on the road.
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The license lamp is pretty heavily corroded but still has voltage coming through the wires. Will be cleaning up the mounting bracket but will probably just junk it and buy a new repop. This and a lot of small things under the car look like they have been rusting from years. The underside of the car is coated - as I assume the owners in Ohio did but everything else is suspect to rust. It’s obvious this thing was driven hard, through the rain, snow, and put away wet.
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On a side note. Is it normal sometimes to find multiple build sheets in one car? I’ve found a second one behind the seat. I know Chrysler did a lot of weird things back then and no 2 cars are the same.
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