I left those out which are completly cleared Dave, ok?
Reply 2 Europeans buy mostly C bodies because they are cheap. If they were E's and B's there would be a much higher dollar amount for the tax, hence a much higher price tag, of which most cant afford. There are plenty of C's over there, but the prices are astronomical, how many have we seen that have been for sale for years ?
Yes, there are a lot of too expensive cars for sale in europe. Just like cars being for sale by a lot of dealers in the US for years. In example the beautiful GA4 grey 71 300. That is way many private guys import their own car even though there a lot for sale already. I just wanted to explain that these cars -in general- are not cheap anymore when they are here and it takes enthusiasm (and a lot of money) to follow the hobby
Reply 3 Perhaps you have.
I can assure you that was never my purpose.
But should I remain quiet and never post pics from cars anymore?
I don't think this is a solution.
Reply 4, then maybe you are living in the wrong country. I find it offensive when people fly a flag of another country here.
Ok, I might have choosen the wrong words. I don't really fly a flag. I meant it more mental than pyhsical. The old american cars show their "flag" to the public. They are a huge synonym.
What I am trying to say in general is: There are a lot of people in the world complaining about the USA. Of course there are a lot of us critical people in europe, too. But the very huge majority of those who drive (or want to drive) old american iron overhere are people that stand behind the US and their culture. They are at least mental confederates. Think about it.
Listen Carsten, I have no problem with you, or I didnt. You are a wealth of knowledge of which I wish I could remember a quarter of. I also would like our internet relationship to continue as it did before sB went off the deep end. That includes the Drydock days..
Dave, I don't have a problem with you either. You are a real fuselage enthusiast who is following the hobby since a long time. You run a non commercial registry for 70 Polara verts and I forwarded infos to you. I will continue of course. No bad feelings from my side.
I like to discuss and exchange different opinions and arguments, but none of these are done to hurt anyones feelings. I like to hear the "why" behind an opinion because it shows often different point of views. That gives me sometimes new thoughts, too.
PS: before this gets toooooo friendly and someone says we are g.. : You know what colour your Polara CV has, don't you?
