Guilty Pleasures

Peanut Brittle. Last time I had some, it was pretty expensive.... Not the peanut brittle... The dental bill for replacing the broken tooth was.

Were's Doc been lately? I think popcorn was one of his fav clientele food, never heard him mention peanut brittle.

A number of years ago, I split a rear molar in half... I can't remember what it was I was eating.

Anyway, I had a dental appointment for the following week and I went to a picnic a friend was putting on. I was sitting there, eating my hotdog and was introduced to the guy sitting across who turned out to be a dentist. I mentioned what I had done and he started rubbing his hands together and telling me that that particular break was a favorite of his and was "money in the bank".
I agree.. but I don’t think she plays for our team if ya know what I’m say’en….
Is that right... I know she has had troubled past (don't they all) right back to her rambunctious youth and I sort of tune out or just hit the fast forward button. I think her path in life to a Captain involved some relationship with a mentor in some intern program(?) that I thought was kinda of predatory IMO. She's sorta got the softy softy sensitive touch being a Captain of a ship not like Captain Lee, but the whole show is scripted for drama anyways.

Nice scenery shots thou of expensive places I'll never see in my lifetime.

Two years old but interesting. America's favorite Christmas food? Survey says?

It ain't -- apparently -- turkey. That surprised me.

All in fun .. I like almost all 58 foods they surveyed. I grew up in the pink area, but lived all over the country. Midwest preferences, plus northeast ham, southern veggies, and western deviled eggs.

One thing I never had for Christmas dinner -- ever -- that I recall though? Tofu.



I created a bit of controversy when asked about Christmas dinner by my wife back at our first Christmas together. She asked what I wanted, figuring I would say "turkey", and me, not being a real fan of turkey said "How about ham?. My kids were great with it, what with their eclectic tastes in food.. Her kids.... Different story. Three of the fussiest eaters you've ever seen... They suffered through the ham, and begrudgingly kind of liked it, so now it's all good. We've done stuffed shells and lasagna since then.
My Dad got me eating these.... Have to only get them once or twice a year and then buy a small package.


Again, I dont tend to like "reality" shows. too contrived. too clichéd. And I hate snakes. Terrified of them in fact.

Why watch if I am so terrified? Its actually educational. And I feel guilty watching these people doing what looks dangerous and foolish at the same time.

I do watch Swamp People, Snake invasion on history channel.

Folks catching the invasive burmese python in the Florida Everglades. By hand. In the dark sometimes. They don't belong there, they are not native to the Everglades, killing all the mammals (rats, squirrels, rabbits, puppies, etc. ) it can, AND it has no natural predators in the Everglades.

No kidding its a real problem. They arent poisonous, and dont tend to attack/hurt people. They do screw up the ecosystem though and can/will kill small pets.

Still, something has to be done with these snakes .. hunting on PUBLIC land is regulated/licensed and necessary ..surely there must be a better way though than barehanded though ...
Were's Doc been lately? I think popcorn was one of his fav clientele food, never heard him mention peanut brittle.

Popcorn is number one tooth breaker. I'm restoring more teeth with implants and traditional crowns because of popcorn and increased stress due to bruxism post pandemic. Almonds and ice chewing come in 2nd and 3rd place. Every week there's a different story or even a trend. Pizza crust and milk duds this week. 2 implants yesterday due to internal resorption. Can't control that.
America's favorite dessert list (one source, non scientific,) for 2022.

I may be the only one in America who is not and never been a fan of S'mores (Krispy Kreme for me, not there) OR Fudge (Cinnabons for me, not there).

Carrot cake and Cheesecake are in my personal top five.

I definitely have a different list. Getting TOO OLD, however, to enjoy my list anymore.

Anyway, in order below, from 10 to 1 at the bottom. See if your favorite made it.

source: Most Popular Desserts in America | In The Kitchen With Matt

10. Carrot Cake

9. Milkshakes.

8. S'Mores

7. Cheese Cake

6. Ice Cream

5. Apple Pie

4. Fudge

3. Brownies

2. Cupcakes


1. Chocolate Chip Cookies.
Oooo, I LOVE all of the above. However, that Apple Pie needs Vanilla Ice Cream on top, and the pie has to be hot!

But... but... Krispy Kreme?? You might as well buy something from Hostess. The one here in Chico went belly up, for the second time; no tears from me! Any family owned Doughnut Shop will kill the Kreme.
I've probably already told my Krispy Kreme story, but here it is again....

I was in Buffalo with my youngest son for a hockey tournament. Since it was Buffalo, we decided to get tickets to a Saber's game. After the game, we headed back... The kids were all in somebody's van and three of us adults drove back in one car.

We're driving along... and suddenly one of the guys yells "Krispy Kreme and the light's on, turn around". I'd never had a Krispy Kreme donuts but as we were turning around, he was explaining how good they are in an almost poetic manner... So, my first Krispy Kreme was a hot glazed donut... handed out for free, as they do..

Wow... It was really good.... The guy that wanted us to stop is a local heart doctor with a great reputation... So, I've always thought of it as a medical recommendation.

They opened a couple shops in Syracuse, fortunately nowhere near me. Great places to stop after a "date night" with Mrs. Big John. They only lasted a couple years though... This is Dunkin Donuts country here... Tim Horton's never do well here either.
We're close enough to Canada that Poutine is on the menu of a few places around here.

Probably one of worst things you can eat health wise, it's sometimes called the "National Dish of Canada".

French fries with cheese curds covered in brown gravy. OMG, it's good, but my system is no longer gravy and fried food friendly, so I haven't had it in a while.
