Heil Obama

The reason people go to Canada is because of the "free" care. These are people that are going to scam, no matter what. Free is in no way "free" - that is why your taxes are so outrageous. You have been paying these high taxes to get your alleged "free" care. And, you get no breaks for being healthy, I'm sure. I've known and worked with plenty of Canadians over the past 30+ years. I know what your "system' is like, as well as that wonderful Brit NHS. I'll pass, thanks.
Patrick I think we'll continue to agree to disagree on this one. I've also met Americans that have had major issues with their insurance companies. I prefer a system where you get quality care no matter your financial wherewithal.
Point is, NO one in the US can be denied emergency healthcare, period, dot. Look at the millions of illegals in the US that have swamped the system, closing ERs across the nation. No one in the US "goes without" the basics. There are plenty of free resources (meaning charities and such, NOT the government!) that help every single day. Thirty years ago, nearly ANYONE could afford to go to the doctor and pay cash for all but the most serious things, such as transplants and such. When insurance began to "pay" for everything, like so-called "wellness visits" and such, then healthcare costs in the US soared! Now, a visit to a doctor costs everyone a LOT of money, whether insured or not. When HMOs got involved in the '80s was when prices began to rise quickly. Insurance company and government meddling caused the "problem" that O-care is touted to rectify. Oh, and did you know that Congressmembers and their staffs, as well as most unions, Indian tribes, the Amish and anyone else claiming religious reasons, people under a certain annual income threshold, and illegals are EXEMPT from all this, yet all will reap the benefits that the rest of us are going to pay out the a$$ for!!! So, yeah, I'm seriously pi$$ed off about this healthcare BS being foisted on an under-educated and under-informed populace. Why should 30% of working Americans have to pay for EVERYONE'S healthcare, which is going to be rationed ala Canada and Great Britain, anyway?

It is BAD LAW! It needs to be repealed! But, since those that made the law, and those enforcing the law, are EXEMPT from that same law, they do not care what happens, because it will not apply to THEM!

I remember two years ago, watching an episode of "Ice Road Truckers" (yeah, I like that show!). One of the truckers had to be airlifted from a remote NWT airstrip to a hospital in Winnipeg for emergency surgery. Yet, that same trucker was wondering "how he was going to pay for that!"...I thought this stuff was "free" in Canada?

You are right. We will agree to disagree. But unlike you, we HAVE the Constitutionally-guaranteed RIGHT to free speech, and I shall choose to exercise said right, thanks.
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If you think capitalism is responsible for health care advances you need to buy new glasses. Most are made by universities, institutes, and hospitals I'll wager that 95% of those are nonprofit ( read: getting rid of profits ) or they are recieving grants, gov't or weathy family trust looking to shed some profits. I don't think o'care will fix things but the system as it is now is broken!!!! I agree with you about people with great insurance go to doc for band aids this goes back to medicare/gov't they only offered to pay.50 on dollar so insurance wanted same deal you with cash get to pay in full that is b.s.
Capitalism IS responsible for the vast majority of healthcare advances! What country produces these advances? Saudi Arabia? Burundi? Zimbabwe? NO! It is the United States, Israel, Japan, and other capitalist nations. Put it this way - would you want to be sick in Great Britain, where people have been known to languish in their own filth in a hospital, drinking water from flower vases? Canada? Where a simple MRI can take up to two years to get, but where in the US, it'll happen within days, or even hours? Our system is hardly broken. But, it will be very, very soon if this travesty continues unabated. If it's such a great deal, let's revisit this thread in two years. Let me know how correct my words are.

Oh, and people on government welfare healthcare plans are the people that go to the doctor for band-aids, not the people with "great health plans". I like my current plan. I despise seeing doctors, dentists, and anyone else in the profession; but not because I don't like them. I just don't like going to the doctor, period. Who really does? You have so many people gaming the system. The more you "give" people, the more they abuse it, because they have no skin in the game! They know the freebies are going to keep coming! And it's going to be fewer and fewer people paying the freight for more and more people. the guy living at 1600 Penn ignores the laws he does not like. He has illegally granted over 2,200 exemptions to his little scheme...2,200!!! Does that tell you anything? It is bad. It will devastate the nation. It will result in a single-payer health care system where ALL health care is rationed...ALL of it.

But, you decide. If your source of info is the in-the-pocket "media", then I can't help you. It's disgusting how we've gone from a proud nation that in the '80s, caused the breakdown of Communist society and the Fall of the Wall in 1989 (I was in Germany then!), to the sad nation of "gimme, gimme, gimme!" of the 21st Century. Now, Russia is more like the US in 1989, in terms of freedom - hell, they have a 15% flat income tax! While we are flung headlong into a Socialist-style way of doing thing...like the USSR in 1979.

Your choice.
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I have to agree with Patrick...well said my friend!!

Thanks tbm3fan for the smack up side the head....:brainfart:
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If you think capitalism is responsible for health care advances you need to buy new glasses. Most are made by universities, institutes, and hospitals I'll wager that 95% of those are nonprofit ( read: getting rid of profits ) or they are recieving grants, gov't or weathy family trust looking to shed some profits. I don't think o'care will fix things but the system as it is now is broken!!!! I agree with you about people with great insurance go to doc for band aids this goes back to medicare/gov't they only offered to pay.50 on dollar so insurance wanted same deal you with cash get to pay in full that is b.s.
YOU CANNOT be serious. If I read you right......the PUBLIC sector is responsible for innovation? Ever been to a division of motor vehicle office?? Yeah there's innovation. The jackass president we have just pulled the biggest bait and switch job in history on the people of the United States. I hope those who voted for him are the first to lose there health insurance plans.
Looks like Fox News has its disciples who parrot what they hear as best they can. How studious.
Ever wonder why Canadians, Brits, Mexicans, and nearly any other nationality that has a single-payer medical system, desire and find a way to get care in the United States? It's because we have (soon to be "had") the best medical system in the entire world! Capitalism works everywhere it's tried. Socialism does not! O-care nationalizes nearly 20% of the US economy. It is DESIGNED to fail, so that the Feds can step in, "save the day" and inflict single-payer health care on all...EXCEPT the elites, of course, who will be able to see who they want at taxpayer expense! Read, study, research, and KNOW what the hell the government has in store, boys and girls!

And, I agree that this is the "anything goes" place to post. Don't like the topic? Don't read it. That applies to anything.

I've seen that Hitler bunker clip used in several different other things. Always good.

No, it is not the best and in many ways hasn't been for sometime now. I am a doctor and, like Stan, I will say no more from my inside perspective.

Nazi images and references. Always classy.
No, it is not the best and in many ways hasn't been for sometime now. I am a doctor and, like Stan, I will say no more from my inside perspective.

Nazi images and references. Always classy.
Fine your a doctor. Name a better Socio-political system, nut up or shut up, doc.
I usually go on the premise that the first side to use nazi references loses.

Anyway, Capitalism has the benefit of correcting itself when things go wrong. It doesn't do it immediately and it sometimes gets to an extreme before it shifts back to center, but the important thing is that it does it on its own accord. Look at the municipalities that have privatized certain services like water or EMS. The quality was up and the costs were down because the people and companies doing the job had a motivation to do it well rather than government monopolies that have no drive to improve because if they suck they'll get more tax money anyway.
I usually go on the premise that the first side to use nazi references loses.

Anyway, Capitalism has the benefit of correcting itself when things go wrong. It doesn't do it immediately and it sometimes gets to an extreme before it shifts back to center, but the important thing is that it does it on its own accord. Look at the municipalities that have privatized certain services like water or EMS. The quality was up and the costs were down because the people and companies doing the job had a motivation to do it well rather than government monopolies that have no drive to improve because if they suck they'll get more tax money anyway.
Nice work. You must have been paying attention in civics class,huh? You would not believe the amount of people who could not explain capitalism as eloquently or coherently as you just did. Bravo.

Duh, capitalism?? Ain't that what Washington D.C. is? What time do Honey Boo Boo come on.
If you invent, fix, improve something you can apply for a patten, then a company will come along and.change just enough to slip by the Patten and negate all of you work. If your a drug company you geta10 year free pass, this is put in place not by me but a well lobbied gov't. Maybe you are all right capitalism works just fine as long as the politicians are well greased. Keep living in your dream world that everything will be fine as long as giant companies run the gov't.
Looks like Fox News has its disciples who parrot what they hear as best they can. How studious.

Ah, the standard comeback from someone who gets their "information" from salon.com, MSNBC, and The View. AKA, the "low-information voter"...replies like yours prove my point.
I'm not trying to say anything against capitalism I think it works and works.well. In health care it has not been working for a long time there are too many gov't regulations and rules some good some bad but because of the life and death nature most are necessary. I do not believe that Obama care will fix it there is no one magic trick that will.fix it if you think you have one simple answer that will fix this stop reading because your delusional, the system we have now is broken so at least someone picked up a wrench. While it may get more screwed.up at least its doing something different.

Let's get back on topic.

The problem with healthcare is TOO many people want something for NOTHING. Too many people want top shelf gold plated cadillac care, but don't want to or cannot pay for top self gold plated cadillac care. THAT's is the kernel of the problem with healthcare. This country is slowly turning into something the founding fathers could never have imagined in their wildest dreams. Yet more Obama--esqe garbage:



When is the common sense majority going to stand up against all this.
Ah, the standard comeback from someone who gets their "information" from salon.com, MSNBC, and The View. AKA, the "low-information voter"...replies like yours prove my point.

Actually, since I do not have a TV and never watch those shows you cite, you are wrong. I simply research the facts from different on-line sources on both sides, and I do not necessarily agree with the Democrats either on many issues. But your blind allegiance to a single mantra is not wise in my opinion, as today's issues are far more complex than that. Today we have a health care system that is clearly broken in addition to citizens who are killing themselves with obesity and its consequences such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes and on and on, which is at the heart of our rising health care costs. We have responsibility to take care of ourselves and to also be mindful that the rich are richer than ever and able to control news media outlets since they own them now, and seem to never have enough. The one aspect of Hitler that actually does apply here is that he believed "if you tell a lie often enough, people will belive it", and these biased news stations, all of them, not just Fox seem to have adopted that philosophy and it seems to work. And then we have the Citizens United decision from the politically motivated Supreme Court that is ruining our democratic system of government, since the rich can now easily buy their politicians through legal front groups. Care about the middle class, do they? I think most do not. And solutions to all this aren't easy to come by, which is why I prefer less of the ranting that goes on here with choosing sides rather than calm reasoned study of the issues and then developing wise actions as a result of useful dialog. At least the President is trying to help more people get medical coverage that they need, and can't afford even when they work hard and keep their expenditures reasonable. After all, the Social Security system and Medicare are working quite well, and the Democrats wanted wider healthcare coverage placed under that umbrella, but the House Republicans insisted on private companies and the system we have in place today under the Affordable Care Act was a better way to go. So here we are. And Romney implemented "Obamacare" essentially in his own state, but now repudiates it??? I really would like to come to this site to discuss Mopars so I can get a relief from all the political rhetoric that goes on elsewhere. The issues facing us today are so potentially devastating that we need more conciliation rather than more ranting. Just my view...............
Right. No one who is rich, wealthy or well off worked their asses off at one time or another to get there. No it was just unfairly bestowed upon them. I'm so tired of that mentality.