Heil Obama

Nice work. You must have been paying attention in civics class,huh? You would not believe the amount of people who could not explain capitalism as eloquently or coherently as you just did. Bravo.
My econ teacher has been teaching since the late 70's and is retiring this year. I question whether his replacement will have his same middle of the road approach that has given me the chance to see both sides.

Personally I believe a lot of the problem at the federal level is because of the progressive era restructuring of our legislative system. Namely, direct election of senators. When Senators were appointed by State legislators they were the voices of the states at the federal level. Now that they are elected, they are subject to the same lobbyist problems that the house is. In one fall swoop the states lost a voice and the special interest / corporate / lobbyists groups gained immensely. More importantly, whereas the senate was originally a check on the house passing things to get reelected, the senate now is subjected to the same "Will this get me reelected?" The average campaign debt of a new senator is a quarter million dollars. You think he pays that himself? No, groups pay him for votes. The 17th. amendment put a nice "For Sale" sign on the capitol building and we are reaping its effects today.

Funny how those old guys sitting in a stuffy Philadelphia room two hundred years ago actually had some powerful foresight.
Unfortunately that type of system is not fair to all. Someone is footing the bill for someone else, without choice. How is that equitable? No such thing as a utopia. Someone is getting the shaft.
Read this, gang...and it is NOT from the "eeeeeevil" FOX News. It's from that hotbed of Obama syncophants - CNBC...A list of why Zero-Care is doomed to fail.

FACT: Liberalism always fails, where ever it is applied, practiced, and in our case forced up a society. The damage is done. It's sad day for America.
Unfortunately that type of system is not fair to all. Someone is footing the bill for someone else, without choice. How is that equitable? No such thing as a utopia. Someone is getting the shaft.

Sure, I pay more for health insurance than those who earn less (or nothing) but would get the same treatment. But it is ok to me.
Sure, I pay more for health insurance than those who earn less (or nothing) but would get the same treatment. But it is ok to me.
Its a decision you make for yourself, it should not be a decision forced upon those who do no want to. That's the crux of the problem.
the health system done by law is happening more or less the same in all european countries. As well as australia/NZ etcetc. This form of social responsibility works pretty good and there are no people complaining about it in any of these countries. They have grown up with this system and know the advantages (as well as disadvantages). But the basic social network is pretty good.

On a side note: The health system in the US is one of the reasons why I personally wouldn't want to live in the US. If the health system is privately organized: Most insurance companies will always try to find a way how not to pay for you and your illness. It is part of making profit.
the health system done by law is happening more or less the same in all european countries. As well as australia/NZ etcetc. This form of social responsibility works pretty good and there are no people complaining about it in any of these countries. They have grown up with this system and know the advantages (as well as disadvantages). But the basic social network is pretty good.

On a side note: The health system in the US is one of the reasons why I personally wouldn't want to live in the US. If the health system is privately organized: Most insurance companies will always try to find a way how not to pay for you and your illness. It is part of making profit.
Europe is not the United States. We don't take too well to being "herded" around here. Insofar as not wanting to live here, you are part of a very small few.
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If the health system is privately organized: Most insurance companies will always try to find a way how not to pay for you and your illness. It is part of making profit.
Agreed. Aside from too much bureaucracy, I've had no issues with the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). Can't say the same about my experience with home and auto insurance companies. Shitty customer service and they are ruthless.
I believe that our Social Security system is working reasonably well, and am glad we have it, although when it was being adopted many years ago, many complained about socialism/communism, etc, so this reaction from so many now to the affordable care act is not surprising. When companies like Wal-Mart, Mc Donalds, (and the list goes on) refuse to pay a decent wage despite taking in billions in profits like never before and then tell their employees to better budget their paltry wages to make ends meet and tell them how to obtain government aid, there is something fundamentally wrong. The rich no longer pay their fair share, including corporate taxes, through loopholes they obtained from lobbying elected officials in government that they support with campaign contributions. Not everyone who is poor is a freeloader unwilling to work. Sometimes life doesn't go the way we might like and health problems come up. I believe that if people work and pay into the system, just like Social Security, then there ought to be a basic safety net for them when medical issues arise as that would be preferable to treating them when it is too late in emergency rooms. Like Fc7_Plumcrazy, I don't mind paying more if I make more than a guy that isn't as well off, just so everyone can get basic healthcare. I do not see it as me getting screwed. I just count my blessings that I do not need the care. And I also feel that we are all in this together, and pointing fingers at each other and labeling others we really do not know, just divides our country and eventually destroys it. Compassion for others is important and the world is never so black and white as so many lately seem to view it.
I believe that our Social Security system is working reasonably well, and am glad we have it, although when it was being adopted many years ago, many complained about socialism/communism, etc, so this reaction from so many now to the affordable care act is not surprising. When companies like Wal-Mart, Mc Donalds, (and the list goes on) refuse to pay a decent wage despite taking in billions in profits like never before and then tell their employees to better budget their paltry wages to make ends meet and tell them how to obtain government aid, there is something fundamentally wrong. The rich no longer pay their fair share, including corporate taxes, through loopholes they obtained from lobbying elected officials in government that they support with campaign contributions. Not everyone who is poor is a freeloader unwilling to work. Sometimes life doesn't go the way we might like and health problems come up. I believe that if people work and pay into the system, just like Social Security, then there ought to be a basic safety net for them when medical issues arise as that would be preferable to treating them when it is too late in emergency rooms. Like Fc7_Plumcrazy, I don't mind paying more if I make more than a guy that isn't as well off, just so everyone can get basic healthcare. I do not see it as me getting screwed. I just count my blessings that I do not need the care. And I also feel that we are all in this together, and pointing fingers at each other and labeling others we really do not know, just divides our country and eventually destroys it. Compassion for others is important and the world is never so black and white as so many lately seem to view it.

After Obama secured his second presidential term he took the brakes off his administration's goal to reforge this country into his vision of a progressive, collective, utopian society. Here's the problem with that..there's no such thing. The "Affordable Care Act" (Obamacare) is an unfair, unjust, and inequitable tool conceived by an administration whose policies are based in overt socialism. Obama wants to mold the US into "Europe in the west". Europeans love socialism because they've never known anything else. Throughout history they have lived under some type of subjugation, from one despot to another, over a millennium of time. Thus, the European mindset is one that is content to follow in exchange for relative peace. That doesn't fly here and that is the basis for the backlash we are seeing (and rightfully so).
"Why capitalism and big business is bad" is a silly debate. If it were all of you who believe this nonsense need to shut off your computers and live in caves for the rest of your lives right now because every time you open your wallet you are enabling capitalism. Nothing is perfect, but capitalism is the greatest thing since sliced bread. America did not become the wealthiest nation in the world several times over because capitalism doesn't work. Quite the contrary. Many of us do realize however, all this can be lost if we are not careful. Millions of people in the US have been brainwashed into thinking capitalism is evil, just as they switch on their 55" inch flat screen televisions that pulls down 500 channels from their satellite dish and dine on filet mignon purchased with an EBT card.
This will help reinforce what the Left has been doing to our nation since Teddy Roosevelt (yes, gang, this goes back THAT far!)

There is already cosierge physician service offered where I live. I don't blame doctors one bit. A family doc/friend explained to me once that Medicare dictates how much they can charge a patient for care/services. What!? The healthcare provider is **** out of luck if they cannot make a profit from those reduced fees. How is this fair? Who's going to bother spending years in medical school to become a doctor if in the end the government is going to dictate what you can earn? This is truly insane.
One thing I don't get with this general refusal of govt. taking care of business is that this rather penetrant sniffing around in people's affairs for national security doesn't seem to stirr up emotions. It doesn't concern money alright, unless you count the immense tax money this whole system burns up, but this should be regarded as a rather deep cut of your private interests and freedom. I won't accept if one live is saved it's alright, the scale is completely blown out of proportion.
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The reason is that people are desensitized and cynical about their government's activities. They simply assume they are being spied on. Governments spy on their own people and each other. It's a bit much when Merkel is criticizing the US for this.
Your right. Eavesdropping on Foreign allies and dignitaries communications is a no-no. We look very foolish trying to bushwack the German Chancellor....and the White House DID know about it.
I would guess even Merkel knew she's being spied on by allies, that's just part of the show to stay in the clear herself; just trying to explore feelings of US citizens where freedom is considered paramount towards these kinds of actions.
I would guess even Merkel knew she's being spied on by allies, that's just part of the show to stay in the clear herself; just trying to explore feelings of US citizens where freedom is considered paramount towards these kinds of actions.
I do not like the big brother stuff at all. I do not need a hand to feed me and I do not need a sitter to watch me. One of the greatest things I enjoy as an American is when the far lefties and the far righties work together to shut down legislation that erodes our civil liberties. It kind of restores some faith [if you don't mind the overly cliche term].