Old Man with a Hat
Exactly. People have forgotten that it seems. Also, there's no such thing as "equal" OR "free".I am 100% behind a flat tax! That is fair.
You are only guaranteed the PURSUIT of happiness, not the result.
Exactly. People have forgotten that it seems. Also, there's no such thing as "equal" OR "free".I am 100% behind a flat tax! That is fair.
You are only guaranteed the PURSUIT of happiness, not the result.
What are you talking about "disproportionate share?" In America the top quarter of income earners pay 87% of taxes. The next quarter pays 11%. The bottom half (those earning $32,000 or less) pay 2%.All I am saying is that when our economy is still faltering and so many people are struggling, the proportion of taxes paid by the rich is at a historic low, and in most other European countries that I am aware of at least, the proportion of taxes paid is proportional to peoples income, with the more wealthy paying more proportionately. It has been this way in the capitalist U.S. for the last 50 years at least, and most likely before that if I could find figures that go back that far. But now, in the time of need no less, the wealthy are paying much less proportionally than any time in the last 50 years. This has been achieved by politicians making laws at the behest of the wealthy who finance their campaigns more than ever now that the Supreme Court opened the door recently in Citizens United. And even though many companies are thriving, wages remain stagnant or declining. I note the comments by some truck drivers here that their companies can afford new trucks, but their wages remain below a sustainable level compared to the past. Our nation has thrived in the past when things were not so imbalanced and the middle class drove the overall economy. That is obviously not happening now. And the big banks are just out of control. And by the way, the term used by Fox News to mute this reality is "class warfare". That seems to work pretty well for them as a comeback and deflect the reality that is taking place today.
I like that. I will use that line in the future.You are only guaranteed the PURSUIT of happiness, not the result.
What are you talking about "disproportionate share?" In America the top quarter of income earners pay 87% of taxes. The next quarter pays 11%. The bottom half (those earning $32,000 or less) pay 2%.
Of that top 25%, the lower 24% pay 54% of taxes and the top 1% pay 33% of taxes by themselves.
QUOTE] Just curious where those #s came from. Are those just the tax rates or what is actually paid after deductions?
Percentiles Ranked by AGI | AGI Threshold on Percentiles | Percentage of Federal Personal Income Tax Paid |
Top 1% | $343,927 | 36.73 |
Top 5% | $154,643 | 58.66 |
Top 10% | $112,124 | 70.47 |
Top 25% | $66,193 | 87.30 |
Top 50% | $32,396 | 97.75 |
Bottom 50% | <$32,396 | 2.25 |
What are you talking about "disproportionate share?" In America the top quarter of income earners pay 87% of taxes. The next quarter pays 11%. The bottom half (those earning $32,000 or less) pay 2%.
Of that top 25%, the lower 24% pay 54% of taxes and the top 1% pay 33% of taxes by themselves.
I like that. I will use that line in the future.
I am 100% behind a flat tax! That is fair.
nice work, Patrick 66. I'm right there with you.What needs to happen is the abolishment of the current tax code and make it two pages...Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, pays 15% of their gross income as income tax. PERIOD!!!! If you make ten whole dollars for the year, you pay a buck fifty. If you make $100K, you pay $15K. If you make a billion, you pay $150M. An equal percentage, across the economic spectrum. NO deductions of ANY kind. None. Nada. Zilch. No mortgage deduction, no kid, no education, no medical...no deductions of any kind, period, dot. This is the only truly "fair" way to have the US tax system. The friggin' RUSSIANS have a flat 15% income tax! Why the hell can't we???
This would reward investment and saving, and be something that would stimulate the economy in real terms; not the QE nonsense the gub'mint has thrust upon us. Printing money, and monetizing the debt, WILL destroy our nation! You can not continue to borrow! Normal people and corporations, even states can not do this! The only reason the Feds can is they control the damn printing presses! Many nations are looking for an alternative to the US Dollar, once backed by gold. Now, the Chinese look to have the upper hand in this. You have to remember they OWN over 85% of the mortgages that are held by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - a fact the lamestream media won't touch. It's out there, gang, I've done my research, you can do yours, if you think this is crazy.
And if you think that a government-"paid" single-payer healthcare system is the answer, how exactly do you think this is going to be financed? ZeroCare is DESIGNED to fail, gang, believe it! They'll rush in, like some bloated, demented cavalry to "save the day", and very soon after EVERY single doctor, nurse, and hospital in the US will be OWNED by the government. With no one to finance the system (because no one will have a job, money, or a life), the government will dictate your care in every single respect.
Bet on it
Oh, BTW, those numbers above are found in the IRS' own website, and colloborated by many sources to be accurate. Also, the US has the HIGHEST corporate tax rate of all industrialized nations! So, stuff the nonsense about the "rich NOT paying their so-called "fair share"...for in O-land, you are considered "rich" if you have a 28-hour a week part-time min wage job. And he, along with his minions and enforcers, want all of it...for they believe they are the true "elite" and know what is good for us better than WE THE PEOPLE do. Or, you can close you eyes, and believe in the power of unicorn dust and fairy farts. Believe it.
Socialism and Democracy are two different things.
Gary's point was that it was an easier transition to big government for Europeans than it would be for Americans.
The Zero wouldn't know the truth if it hit him on the head...now. he and his minions claim he never said "If you have a health plan and a doctor you like, you can keep it!", never mind, he is on video at least three dozen times, saying exactly that.
Let's see, shall we...
Audio and video proof: http://videos.nymag.com/video/If-Yo...XWQ03RL&t="If You Like Your Plan..." Supercut
The man is a pathological liar. Plain and simple.
Patrick I think it may take time but this is going to implode on itself. I would like to see the president immediately removed from office, but since the government doesn't work that way, people are going to rise up over this eventually.For everyone losing their existing health care policies because Zero-care, I sympathize with them. The government is lying on a collosal scale, and yet, near-silence from the masses.