I am currently working on the green RT charger and expect i will start stripping back the paint in a month or so to start proper bodywork on her, its been awhile to get here, 8 months? so yah it will be painted within say four months then i can put the rebuilt suspension back under her, i have already bought new headliner and carpet and seat covers for her, the door cards are all good, i still have to get a new dash pad and glove box liner for her. Then i can rbuild the 440 engine and gearbox, once all thats done the major works done, i am also going to rechrome all the potmetal too.
As for the blue charger, since it already has a good interior and about 60 percent less rust than the green one had I think it will be knocked over rather quickly, oh and it has a good running engine already too, plus the suspension mechanical parts have all been done as well as I figured i owuld do them at the same time i have been doing the RT charger suspension, lotsa hard work but it makes down the track far easier.
The RT challenger i haven't worked on at all but i have been collecting all the new parts i will need to fix it, i have already gotten the new floorpans and trunkpan ready to go. Plus i have been buying new parts for the interior too headlining carpet dashpad etc as well as 15in rallye rims plus new tuff wheel flip top cap etc etc, too many parts to list, but i can tell you, i am having trouble finding places to store it all!
I moved to this country in January of last year and didn't actually start on anything till july last year as i had to buy the property first and clean it up, since then its been a slow process of fixing the house interspersed with buying tools as i needed them and tinkering on the cars. i figure if Im lucky the Green RT will be done this year and i can start the blue one. I work on these cars every day except sundays.