Senior Member
This was the best tractor I have owned. A M818. A complete military rebuild. Shoulda never sold it.
Very collectable
Ok, I feel better. Back on topic. The Alfa could be a good bet. Terrific write ups. It is going to be like a new Ferrari Dino. I don't see the Corvette doing it. Production numbers are really high for this year. Subura WRX, Evo will be collectible. Things are changing fast though. I really don't see anything with an internal combustion engine being collected in 40 years.
there was one of these in Carlisle. These and the Warlocks and Macho Power Wagons are I favorite Dodge trucks.I know this one is earlier than the 1990/newer date I suggested in the opening post.
I arbitrarily picked that year beause it probably takes 5-10 years after they go outta production before some models show collectibility trends ... and we are trying to guess on the winners folks will be jonesin' for about decades from now.
Anyway, must only be a handful of these left around, and maybe I don't travel in truck circles nearly as much as I should, but I have never seen one in person and never hear folks talking about them...unlike its more famous cousin the Lil Red Truck.
Cool truck..R/B-powered I hear?
I saw one of these yesterday, same color. I hate to admit that every time I see one I can't stop looking.Unappreciated...if you don't recognize it, and what it could do, it wouldn't surprise me. :icon_winkle:
it probably means you didnt live in Michigan where all 'em were in company car service..not many were seen/sold around the country it appears. doused with the brand discontinuance, it was only made 2008 and 2009 model years.
rated at "415/415", 0-60 in 4.5 seconds, vented Brembo's, six-speed Tremec "manny", etc...fun, fun car.
That G8 Pontiac is an amazing car! A sedan with a Corvette driveline. I want one, and have seen a couple for sale locally in the past year. The owners are mighty proud of them!
.... the Warlocks and Macho Power Wagons are I favorite Dodge trucks.
I'll take one of each of these!
Every member here take Ross' Challenger out for ONE day.
Get it out of your damn system once and for all.
Please return the car with a full tank.
Then you'll have a story even fifty years from now...]
Sorry, Ross. The car needs to be put to a really worthwhile cause.