Illegal Immigration...

I really do not think anyone here is not in favor of LEGAL immigration, which is where these doctors and such come from.
That's why all our jobs are going to immigrants. Can't find Americans willing to work even for $48,000. Better off being on the dole. That is so sad.

I wouldn't risk my neck in that job for $32 to 48K either.
Just cuz you don't want a shitty, dangerous job for 48k doesn't make you lazy or put you on the dole....
Lazy Americans....

Never been called lazy when it comes to work... I just know I could find other work that would pay better without having to risk my life.

Moot point anyway... I'm too old to qualify. LOL!
A Mexican would grab that job in a heartbeat.
Exactly, that's why we need them. Try getting a roofing job done with white boys. Will take twice as long, cost twice as much and the quality will suffer.
I used to be black.

So did she! Until she got caught.


I'll show you guys a shot from when I was a roofer. I was black. In a non-african way.....
OK, I am a proud Canadian. I have served my country for 25 years. I cannot remember how many SSN's and SSBN's and Nimitz class that I have worked with. You folks are our best friends and vice versa I hope. I come to your country for six months a year and spend a LOT of money supporting your economy. I can stop and go somewhere else if you want me to???