Interesting FABO rant about FCBO...

We do wear proudly on our sleeves that we're an unappreciated bargain.
And the more people we keep preaching it to....

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Yes, if we don't value them (our C's), then who else will? While a large number of full size GM's and Fords do end up being engine donors and derby cars, I think that more of them probably do get saved, compared to C-body Mopars.

I remember posting in another thread on here a few months back that I wished that the value of C-bodies would go just high enough to make them impractical for the derby guys. I'll now add these engine pulling cannibalizers to that statement as well.
What it all boils down to is they are all jealous of C-Bodies because.........



I am probably the least experienced person in this forum. I have learned a lot here, and hope to learn more. One of the harshest lessons I received here was there was no way my Fury convertible was ever in my lifetime gonna be worth what I put into it. I accept that because I love the car. It's been in the family since 1974 and is going to stay. If you were to go read the for sale section, and make yourself do it as someone just getting into this, you would realize that a great shape C is worth less than a basket case Road runner. And that comes from this forum. Getting the value up beyond donor and derby status might start here, not over there.:eek:ccasion14:
I just continue to hope we take every opportunity remind people what makes our C's special vehicles, help the people who have them or want them to make them better, etc....all the stuff we do pretty well most of the time it seems to me.
. Exactly!
I am probably the least experienced person in this forum. I have learned a lot here, and hope to learn more. One of the harshest lessons I received here was there was no way my Fury convertible was ever in my lifetime gonna be worth what I put into it. I accept that because I love the car. It's been in the family since 1974 and is going to stay. If you were to go read the for sale section, and make yourself do it as someone just getting into this, you would realize that a great shape C is worth less than a basket case Road runner. And that comes from this forum. Getting the value up beyond donor and derby status might start here, not over there.:eek:ccasion14:
Well said. Couldn't add a thing. Thanks.
Where's the Desoto brand?
Gotcha. I didn't even know a "Desoto" existed until 4 or 5 yrs ago at a car show when I asked why is that car with the Plymouths and Dodges. No malice intended. I don't automatically make the connection...yet.
You know.... Some of you guys are letting a minority of Mopar owners get under your skin.

I've been in the hobby for an awful long time and met a lot of people. Some are great... no, most are great.... some are jerks. The truly great ones appreciate ALL cars, regardless of what emblem is on the hood. The jerks... well... if it's not like theirs, they don't understand it and therefore must hate it.

Here's an example.... The floor falls in at the Corvette museum and a few extremely rare cars are destroyed. Some people react with "that's terrible" and some react "too bad more didn't fall in". You can pretty much pick out the jerk there.

You can't let these guys bother you....

If someone says something about using your car for the "derby"... Just ask where their car is. They won't have one.... or it will be in pieces in some little garage in back of their grandmother's. A simple "I thought so" will screw up their plan to rub you the wrong way.
It's important to have these types of discussions that reinforce the understanding that we are in this for the love of these cars not financial gain. Unfortunately market value blinds some A, B and E Body owners into deluded attitudes about the relative superiority of their cars. It's important to confront those misguided attitudes wherever and whenever they arise. We should never become desensitized to these transgressions to the point of letting them slide. In addition to speaking up we must back up our words by improving our cars to the limit of our ability. Judging from the accomplishments of individuals on this board we can complete with anyone on that score. Only then will we gain real credibility.
You know.... Some of you guys are letting a minority of Mopar owners get under your skin.

I've been in the hobby for an awful long time and met a lot of people. Some are great... no, most are great.... some are jerks. The truly great ones appreciate ALL cars, regardless of what emblem is on the hood. The jerks... well... if it's not like theirs, they don't understand it and therefore must hate it.

Here's an example.... The floor falls in at the Corvette museum and a few extremely rare cars are destroyed. Some people react with "that's terrible" and some react "too bad more didn't fall in". You can pretty much pick out the jerk there.

You can't let these guys bother you....

If someone says something about using your car for the "derby"... Just ask where their car is. They won't have one.... or it will be in pieces in some little garage in back of their grandmother's. A simple "I thought so" will screw up their plan to rub you the wrong way.

Well said. I concur and will ad that most FBBO car owners are not gonna make their "money" back on their cars either .. and that's common knowledge and frequently commented on FBBO. They are not all Hemi or 6 BBL cars and guys know it but don't care. They love their cars too.

I can't speak to what the E body crowd thinks but most probably fit John's comments and my feeling of the same too. I think the A body crowd feels or know's the facts the same as the B body crowd. I just wish FABO was using the same Imperial format version of the software FBBO, FCBO, and FEBO, ForRoadRunners, and ForTrucksOnly uses grin.gif.

Here's an example.... The floor falls in at the Corvette museum and a few extremely rare cars are destroyed. Some people react with "that's terrible" and some react "too bad more didn't fall in". You can pretty much pick out the jerk there.

You can't let these guys bother you.

Hey I resemble that, its terrible more didn't fall in.
John, some of the emotion over the cave in was just over the top rediculous.
There were those who wanted to leave the cave in intact complete with destroyed cars as kind of a Twin Towers memorial.
Gentleman, they are cars, not Halocaust victims.

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This is my comment on the C bodies. I remember when I was little getting a ride in my parents C bodies and it was a blast, especially the very back seat of his Chrysler station wagon. I didn't have the best childhood, but I do remember the cars. I have my fathers 68 Newport convertible that he used only for parades, so it does have some sentimental value. When I used to take it to shows a lot of people would say how they loved riding in there parents C bodies. It brought up a lot of emotions in some people. How many of the other body styles can say that.
Well said Bulldog.

I remember riding in my Dad's 69 Road Runner and lot of C bodies. I learned to drive in a 68 Fastback Fury III and a 68 New Yorker
John, some of the emotion over the cave in was just over the top rediculous.
There were those who wanted to leave the cave in intact complete with destroyed cars as kind of a Twin Towers memorial.
Gentleman, they are Tupperware, not Halocaust victims.

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