Interesting FABO rant about FCBO...

Yea, lots of lowered, debadged, caged Challengers at the dealer.

Not a lot of Purple Challengers on dealers lots either but I DO NOT take my car to a show because I know what most people feel about new cars in shows, and rightfully so DSCF0983.jpg

I would never take my metric beast to a car show. Better get to the track if you wanna park next to me...
I have no problem with the new cars. Some of my best friends have Metric Challengers.

It's the bad ones with the Metric Challengers that give the rest a bad name.
I'm in a Modern Mopar club in Columbus and most of the members are real cool. Very few performance mods and LOTS of aesthetic mods like LEDs and airbrushed engine covers or caliper covers. Not my taste but to each his own.
Dont wanna park next to you... please give me the same consideration

I would park next to you and Ross.

Everything is is fine as long as the guy next to me is a Moparhead and friendly:eek:ccasion14:

Even though I have to admit I do not like modern cars (anything past 1980) at carshows
