Interesting FABO rant about FCBO...

John, some of the emotion over the cave in was just over the top rediculous.
There were those who wanted to leave the cave in intact complete with destroyed cars as kind of a Twin Towers memorial.
Gentleman, they are cars, not Halocaust victims.

Posted via Topify on Android

Yea, there's that end of the spectrum too. I don't understand it myself... They are just cars at the end of the day.

I use that as an example of how some car guys treat other car guys... not as a topic of discussion in itself.
Actually... You guys haven't even started to understand the real enemy....

The Metric Challenger owners. Just wait until you start tangling with those gold chain wearing mofos on a regular basis.

I even had one go off about me about parking next to him at a cruise.....
Tell the guy with the new Challenger to go park somewhere else. Who would be more worried about door dings. I had the same thing happen when I drove my Kawasaki. Don't park so close, well go f off.
Ahhh tell him the bank doesn't have a problem with me parking here and they own more of the car and just let you drive it,so don't worry about it.
My brother in law, the instigator, tells another friend that the bank called to say you missed a spot when he is dusting or wiping it off. Feel free to use that one also. LOL
Anyone remember this car for sale ?

299825 2011 quarter right.jpg299825 2011 grille.jpg

This car was for sale in the mid west (Kansas / Missouri), cheap, below $3,000. Over on Moparts the fellow that bought it announced he bought it and was going to use it as a daily driver through the mid west winters. I cant tell you how much of a beating he took, it was intense and impressive. For months guys (me included) pounded him for what he had suggested he was going to do.
Fast forward several months and the end result was he fell in love with the car and saw the potential in it. Realizing the lines on the car resembled that of B bodies and that it was a cool car....... he was hooked and did this, some may remember ...




He has since sold it but he was a B body guy, still is I guess but with a new outlook on C's

299825 2011 quarter right.jpg

299825 2011 grille.jpg
The bank doesn't own my metric Challenger and none of you assholes better park next to it.