It's been a while since my last update---and for good reason.
I waited 3 weeks for the vinyl top to come in and when I opened the box it was black! I ordered white!
So I had to wait another two weeks for the correct one.
This really put the project behind and now winter has set in.
I used Newstalgia for the top and had it shipped to my U.S. shipping address to keep shipping costs down.
But when I have to cross the border twice for the same thing when somebody screwed up it costs me money and time.
I explained to the supplier that i have to drive a couple hours return trip,pay bridge tolls,put gas in the car and pay duties on the vinyl top.
I asked to be compensated and they did give me a partial refund to cover the second trip.
They also included a return packing slip for the black top. But...I had to drive into Watertown NY to drop it off at a Fedex shipping depot.
So with all the running around done yesterday,today we took the white top out of the box to see if it is the correct is not--but will work.
It appears it may fit a 72/73 Imperial with the formal rear window.
But that is OK...there is plenty of material we can cutback to work on the Fury's convex rear window and sportsroof line.
Bill Becket will be doing the professional install and hoping it will work out..
We left it on the car to rest and the warm shop will help get rid of the fold marks.
Stay tuned!!