Mopars at big daddys

I want to thank Jeff for scoring me a lower windshield trim. Nice ones are very rare. It was the last pc. for my car I've been looking for.

If you ever want to camp out, Will and Jeff are the greatest guys to do it with.


Thank you guys for your graciousness. :thumbsup::thankyou:
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You still Need a set of NOS mud flaps, though to have one more reason to return next year.
You put them on already ? Don't see them in the pics from the Show.
That makes sense, they usually are only clamped/gripped on our Euro cars of the era, I got a set on most of them- old man with a hat style, you know.:D
Drilling holes makes me nervous. Still working up the courage. :p
Not reversible like a decal. ; )
Actually, next time I have it on the lift and pull the wheels.. :)
That makes sense, they usually are only clamped/gripped on our Euro cars of the era, I got a set on most of them- old man with a hat style, you know.:D
You might be able to get clips from a cheapie set... make a template and trim the flaps to make it work.

Stan, it was great to see you there.
JEFF made a great deal on. A 96 pop up camper. He spent most of Fri cleaning it an it looks great. We spent a couple evenings, one with Stan, sitting out in the "compound" swapping stories.
Stan pulled a rare over nighter and slept in Connie Fri night. He seemed to enjoy it.
Thanks Will... I'm glad you got settled in for the night. I made it home around 7pm or so, I'm tired of driving in circles... my circles weren't all left turns. I worked my way to the turnpike on 301, didn't want to chance I75, good thing too... a few miles out I noticed my roof vent had raised itself and a couple of the prior owners repair screws with giant fender washers were spinning the washers like diner plates. Found a parking lot that I could get in/out of easy and solved those... the rest of the trip was uneventful, If you don't count the standard Florida drivers thing...
Had a great day with you guys! What a blast! Perfect Saturday IMO. We got there at 9am. Got to meet up with Will, Stan, Jeff, Doug, Doug’s friend Bill, and even saw Carsten for a bit.

Perused the swap meet during the morning, as well as some of the car show. Light rain moved in around noon, which chased half the people out. Spent the rest of the day under Jeff’s canopy shooting the s#it.

Jeff has really stepped his game up, with his pop up, and big canopy. Perfect for the FCBO home base. I’m a bit jealous of his pop up. Him, and will have the right idea. Would love to get one myself for Carlisle, and what not.

Sabrina’s truck did great all day, and we made it back in time to finish the day out to dinner at one of our favorite places. Took a few pics, but nothing special. I’m sure others will have better.

Thanks again for the hospitality Jeff, and Will! Look forward to meeting up again.
I was so happy to see those of you who could make it. Don't be jealous of the pop up, you need a slide in that will let you tow a car trailer. That might help with your ride height concerns too... :D.

I feel a little bad I missed Carsten, twice... it sounds like he had fun.

Here is a quick shout out to those who wanted to but couldn't be there... @bulldogchesty , @Ripinator , @BIGBARNEYCARS and @70bigblockdodge ... You folks were missed, but there will be future events.

I will put up pictures in the AM... and Doug, I will post to your drag strip thread as well. I missed a number of important pictures, I promised Viv pictures of Will's traveling companion, Gretchen. Gotta love her, I don't think I have ever met a cooler cat. I also failed to get any good ones of the camp site and the pop up... suppose those will wait for July now.

For anyone looking at this and trying to decide on next year, the show was nice, the problems are going to be worked on. The word is they will be paving the road in, which is kinda new. The show on Saturday suffered from some of Florida's "liquid sunshine"... but Sunday was better attended than I expected. Zac, with a slide in, it would be pretty easy to have set you in with us.

It was dusty, Saturday especailly, but what do you expect for the first time in a new venue. We had a great spot, between the outhouse and the big pile of horseshit clay (it's all horseshit on horse property... no 3 second rule for me). I hope this show continues to work in the direction it sounds like they want it to go.
Jeff pictures of your trailer hitch would be cool. Did you fabricate one or what did you find one?
Jeff pictures of your trailer hitch would be cool. Did you fabricate one or what did you find one?
I used the DD to deliver and pick up the trailer... made for twice the driving, but I'm only about an hour away.

Note: No Imperials were harmed in the making of this weekend...:)
Saturday C bodies... sorry I must have screwed up my camera settings...

That concludes Saturday's C body class... at least as I understood it... the web site showed it to be 1960 up... But they parked the FL cars elsewhere and I didn't get more pictures before the rain.

This was Will's favorite in the swap... Everyone else liked it too, but I think it was unsold... time to bundle, Will.:poke:

Some great folks in a P/U invaded C body territory... It was great to see Zac and Sabrina again.

That sums up what I took Saturday.

That was all I got of the "class"... Note to self, Thank Mr C again... what a sexy babe she is. On Sunday an overnight rain really helped a bunch with the dust, but sucked for the swap meet folks (sorry Will).

The rest of my Sunday pics...

Thats all I've got... I covered the majority, if not every single older car in there... J D Byrider will eventually show the rest.