At least the damage seems to be confined to the rear door. There might be some repair to the strike and "B" pillar....
Hopefully the interior trim panel is unscathed.
A good example of how vulnerable these cars are to side impacts.... before the era of door reinforcements.
The biggest challenge I see is getting the new paint to match the rest of the car....
As @saforwardlook has suggested and I can confirm from experience, TCP Global is pretty good. Send them your code & they'll send you paint.
There is another member of this site that I know well and he lives in Long Beach, Ca and due to limited land space near beaches, he has to park some of his vintage cars on the street. He has had a few hit and runs and Hagerty treated him amazingly well and took care of things promptly, and he still gets his insurance at good rates. So I estimate Hagerty will be a big help in this case and I am also confident that TCP global will get you paint that will match better than anyone else that I know of. Hagerty covers all my cars and know well how to grow their business through treating their customers right.
Stuff like this really hurts so I fully understand your angst, but try to take the long view in this case as much as you can and I believe things will work out well because you are in good hands with Hagerty (they are very good in terms of getting and willing to pay for good repair shops that can do the job very well) and are not at all like the typical homeowner insurance companies that Tim @sixpkrt has to deal with (as the old saying is that they would rather "peel your eyes out and eat them for grapes" before they will do anything for you), fortunately, that will evade any help in getting a repair done and there is a very good paint supplier that also can help a great deal. As @73Coupe said above he has very good results from TCP Global and his newest vehicle is EA4 and that just has to be one of the most difficult colors to match and as he said the match was done well - it has a tendency to look gray under some light and blue in different settings, but from the photos he showed me, I never thought anyone could match that color so well.
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