New to me 78 NYB on its way but please Don't tell my wife

Trunk panel looks very good also...

Seams at the edges are tight with no rust all the way around. Missing only one of the bumpers. Got the check to see if I have one that will work from the “Bag O’Bumpers” I’ve collected through the years going to junkyards and U-pick lots.

I don’t know about the rest of you but.....If they have the temerity to charge just to look, then I will load up on “small’s” in my pockets to cover the cost. Weird screws, bulbs and bumpers are my favorites.



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Good news is that the internals are clean... PO must have changed oil often. Stupid son didn’t know how to keep her though.

Carb accelerator pump is trashed. Probably from sitting.

Rebuild tomorrow.


You did damn good buying this car sight unseen. It rarely goes that way.

Sometimes you just get lucky. This one has a bad case of the sits. But she has a good set bones.

Not going to rush it to get her on the road quickly. It took 54 years but I may just now be developing some patience.....

Finished cleaning the trunk.

Found an extra headlight door. And jack has never been on the ground.

Side compartments were crispy dry. But dirty.



Spoke to the owners son (who is not stupid.. my bad) because I also found a lot of personal papers mixed in with the twenty odd boxes of baby wipes and Kleenex in the trunk.

Looks like the old fellow passed over five years ago. It took the missus and their son some time to let go of it. He loved this car and took really good care of it. He bought it new in 77 so that makes me the second owner. The car was kept in the hangar where he worked as an aviation mechanic. It would still be there now except they also owned it and just finally sold it.

I told him that his dad, Mr Couch, must have been a very interesting fellow. And it was my honor to be taking care of his dad’s car for him now.

We both choked up a little at the end there.
Day 6....

Carb was in great shape needing only the accelerator pump and a set of gaskets. Here’s some pictures of the cleaning.







Some rust deposits in the bowl but very very fine. Even the screws that hold the carb together... never seen a cleaner unmolested set.



Glad I changed the water pump and hoses.
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Day six continued....



New valve cover gaskets. Drivers side had the silicone gaskets s which were weeping and you can see why. The manifold just cooks them. The passenger side was, of all things, cork!!! They were crispy crushed toast. Both sides got the black renfirced fiber ones. I had some extra from the wagon but can’t remember for the life of me who makes them.

Anyway..... new plugs and wires... why?... because! We’re setting a base line here!
Used the Mopar wires and champion spark plugs.

Here we are with the radiator in, cleaned up carb and almost ready to fire.

The heater stove pipe was a find from the trunk. I know it should be black but I like the bling. Works well with the Mopar performance valve covers. Vacuum hose diagram made the reassembly easier for us newbies.





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Assessment so far and condition.

  • Radiator works well now and car seems to stay just outside the operating range toward to cool side. Needle is covering the line. I’m good with that. Ran her through two heating cooling cycles today to get her properly purged and topped off.
  • Gas gauge works! She now has a full tank of high test (she was nearly empty and the low fuel food went off so I guesss that works too!
  • Power Sunroof works flawlessly
  • Tranny is good. Some minor leaks at the radiator fittings but that’s minor.
  • Auto temp II is auto temp dead. Hot air at my feet. This will be ugly.
  • Radio works! Sounds like crap!
  • Headlights pop open and close and come on in low and high beam. Dash lights inop.
  • Just for Bob... the windshield wipers work..... sort of... won’t park. I see welding in my future.
  • Engine runs mucho macho better. Still has a minor stumble but I’m thinking adjustment issue. Also the heads.. I noticed weren’t painted which makes me think somethings up. The valve train was super clean as was the oil.... hmmmm! Could old Mr Couch have dropped some plused heads or did he do just a valve job? When you stomp on her hard she has some giddy-up. Not quite like my wagon yet but pretty close. Need to do some research on head numbers.
  • She has good working dual six way power seats. Passenger side also reclines nicely.
  • All four windows work. Passenger side was a little slow. Clean and lube is in order here.
  • Rear reading lights inop. Dash lights also inop. New switch? Time to look at the fsm to see relationship if any.
  • Cleaned the coolant reserve tank. Will need to repair nipple so it can draw as well as dump
  • Washer pump and tank works great. So well it blew up the “t” connector at the center of the cowl.
Here she is looking a little tiny bit better but on her way. And the engine compartment assembly in process.


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Prove it:poke:.
Always with the proof around here!
My friend Kip has the finest NYB Salon on the planet...he's restored EVERYTHING and the pics show his meticulous work.

Here's pics of the 5th Ave mirror head with black decal that he gave his decal guy and the sheet of decals he had made.
Next pics show him installing them on his rechromed mirrors.


Always with the proof around here!
My friend Kip has the finest NYB Salon on the planet...he's restored EVERYTHING and the pics show his meticulous work.

Here's pics of the 5th Ave mirror head with black decal that he gave his decal guy and the sheet of decals he had made.
Next pics show him installing them on his rechromed mirrors.
View attachment 169039
View attachment 169041
View attachment 169042


Can we get a link to that vendor. I need a sheet of those decals in B3 Blue.

Thanks Mr. C
One thing I have done with some success with dirty cooling system is, put a lint screen inside upper rad hose at thermostat housing. Sandwich it between the hose and housing clamping it tight. It will collect any larger rust flakes/chunks and any larger sludge balls that break loose as you start using vehicle and keeps that stuff from getting down in the tubes of radiator.
Your car is soooo clean everywhere, it's bewildering how nice the axle and leaf springs a new car! Having a blast reading along as you get her roadworthy, keep it up
On the seventh day..... He went to the Daytona 500.

On the nineth day, He worked like crAzy!..... But the NYB rested. Seriously! I was wiped out Sunday and had a full day with clients and family commitments.... Did go by the shop and ordered a case of the Mopar parts cleaner in the pictures. The stuff is great. Put her on the lift and left. Still showing a weeping leak on the passenger side valve cover.

The list continues.
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Did go by the shop and ordered a case of the Mopar parts cleaner in the pictures. The stuff is great.

I take it you're referring to the superheavyduty brakeclean.... That stuff seemed to be the only thing that would take the paint off new rotors... but I'd go easy... it may be too aggressive.