Skirts...yes or no?

Im going agains the grain and say YES if the car came with them. I have them on my 68 300 AND I have nice wheels and disc brakes which get covered up in the back. I tried taking mine off and that lip where the skirt fits against looks terriable with out the skirt.
The up side to the shirt is that you only need to buy two wheels.

There is always a good up side to skirts !!!! :eek:ops:

65-68 Slab sided Chrysler's look terrible with out them, no matter what you're trying to do.
I am about to have new rear quarters for my 70 fury vert and have been trying to decide. This whole be an adult and make your own decision seems overrated.
Seems like it is about 12-1 against....thought it would closer to 50/50. Went ahead and sent payment for what appears a nice set. Nice thing about it, I will fit them in, if I like them, great, if not, I can take them off/on as I wish. A lot of input here, many thanks. Hope to have car painted by end of the week, Kel

I've thought about them for my 66 Polara 4-door. It's definitely a cruiser.