Old Man with a Hat
Someone stole my car hauler!!!
Sometime this morning (06/25/15) between 12:30 am and 6 am, someone helped themselves to my 19' car hauler trailer. The bastard(s) removed my chained driveway gate, destroyed my solar-powered gate opener, drove up and got my trailer!!! I had it in a place where the only way you'd where it was parked was looking down from the air. I had it blocked it, and the SOB simply hooked on the back of it with a strap or chain, pulled it uphill to get the tongue clear, hooked up and rolled away. What a M-Fing way to start a day! Called the cops, waited an HOUR, and they came and did their cop thing. Nothing really to get prints off of (he did look), but he did a pretty good report. So now, I get to play with the insurance to see WTF they'll do for a replacement, as soon as I get the police report back on Friday. Fortunately, the gate and hinges were NOT damaged, so I got that back up in a matter of minutes. The fact they needlessly destroyed my opener pisses me off to no end! I designed this car hauler, and a friend; a professional builder, built the trailer for me in 2000. I just repainted it, put new brakes on it, and had it looking friggin' great, too. On the very minute chance any of you come across it, call the cops and contact me via PM!!! It is on the NCIC nationwide hot sheet right now. If you DO see the trailer, call your local cops and call the OKC PD Auto Theft Division @ 405-297-1122. I kinda have a feeling it's making its way to Texas and then Mexico, where Mexican paperwork is easily had to make it "legal" there.
This kinda $hit just reinforces my belief that 99.273% of all Mankind is eff'ed in the head.
Sometime this morning (06/25/15) between 12:30 am and 6 am, someone helped themselves to my 19' car hauler trailer. The bastard(s) removed my chained driveway gate, destroyed my solar-powered gate opener, drove up and got my trailer!!! I had it in a place where the only way you'd where it was parked was looking down from the air. I had it blocked it, and the SOB simply hooked on the back of it with a strap or chain, pulled it uphill to get the tongue clear, hooked up and rolled away. What a M-Fing way to start a day! Called the cops, waited an HOUR, and they came and did their cop thing. Nothing really to get prints off of (he did look), but he did a pretty good report. So now, I get to play with the insurance to see WTF they'll do for a replacement, as soon as I get the police report back on Friday. Fortunately, the gate and hinges were NOT damaged, so I got that back up in a matter of minutes. The fact they needlessly destroyed my opener pisses me off to no end! I designed this car hauler, and a friend; a professional builder, built the trailer for me in 2000. I just repainted it, put new brakes on it, and had it looking friggin' great, too. On the very minute chance any of you come across it, call the cops and contact me via PM!!! It is on the NCIC nationwide hot sheet right now. If you DO see the trailer, call your local cops and call the OKC PD Auto Theft Division @ 405-297-1122. I kinda have a feeling it's making its way to Texas and then Mexico, where Mexican paperwork is easily had to make it "legal" there.
This kinda $hit just reinforces my belief that 99.273% of all Mankind is eff'ed in the head.
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