Someone stole my m%&**$9-ing car hauler!!!

Did you have a serial number or owner applied numberfor the Dispatcher to enter as stolen into NCIC? They may be able to attach a photo if entered into NCIC but the Officer/Deputy must first run the vin or owner applied number. Without those it would be difficult if not impossible to identify even if you think that you may see it someplace. I would suspect it would not me someone with a collector car but you could check car shows. It is more likely to check lower quality car race tracks and scrap iron recycler locations for their customer bringing in stuff for cash. If no serial number/owner applied number then make some notes like age and brand size of tires, brand and age of winch also anything unusual about it like a rust spot that is unusual shape and/or location a broken wheel stud etc. Those things should be noted in the report in case law enforcement or you see one and are trying to locate something noting that it is yours. Good Luck.
Yes, the trailer is on the NCIC list now. It has the numbers stamped in several places, plus the trailer is pretty distinctive by itself. I gave the OKC cop a thorough description, the tag number and vehicle number, along with various features and the locations of the number stampings; plus a couple of other items I won't divulge publicly. I've been checking CL in OKC, Tulsa, D/FW, and a couple of other far, no luck.
Man that sucks!

It sucks that in today's world you have to theft proof everything you own, costs you more money to help protect the things you bought with your hard earned money. Those low life scumbags have more rights then we do!
Another thing that chapped my *** was that my two dogs, who normally will bark at the slightest molecular movement, slept through the whole event, as did I.

Thinking it's someone you know?? (or at least is good pals with your dogs) :dontknow:
Good thought but I think his dogs were crashed out inside the house with the ac running(if I know this crowd)...
Thinking it's someone you know?? (or at least is good pals with your dogs) :dontknow:

I'm betting it's one of two or my son's "buddies". One of them is a pretty sleazy little bastard, and the other is just a friggin' idiot.
I do not advocate violence but whatever you guys are going to do how ever unjust it may seem....least let me watch.
Oh, I guarantee had I caught them in the act, there would've been gunfire. Absolutely, with certainty, 100% fact!
Some local guy over here hunted down a car burglar naked and Held him till the cops came.
Sorry for your loss, a friend of mine does excavating and some low life sob's broke into his shop used his backhoe to load tools, stole his dump truck, trailer, skidsteer, after they took all they wanted and hauled it away they brought the dump truck back left it and took more tools. All this in about 3 hours time.
sorry for your loss, a friend of mine does excavating and some low life sob's broke into his shop used his backhoe to load tools, stole his dump truck, trailer, skidsteer, after they took all they wanted and hauled it away they brought the dump truck back left it and took more tools. All this in about 3 hours time.