My brother in law lived in Portland OR and he had a nice trailer he built, nothing as nice as yours.
Just basically a 1/4 ton trailer that he could use when he needed to haul stuff.
Anyway, somebody swiped it right out of his driveway at night. He was POed of course.
Couple weeks later he was driving somewhere else in Portland, saw it sitting in somebody else's driveway. Since he built it, he knew for sure it was his.
I am sure he had all kinds of ideas on how to get it back.
But all he did was wait till it was dark, just drove over there, hitched it right up and drove away.
Said whoever had it never knew he was there.
From then on, he always parked it inside his garage (it was a small trailer).
He always figured that whoever swiped it probably thought one of their slimy buddies had "stole it forward". But that person couldn't do a dang thing about it, because they had stolen it in the first place.
So, my bro in law got a good laugh out of it, since he got it back pretty quickly.
And thinking that whoever swiped it was probably POed at somebody who was "innocent"...that was revenge enough.