Did the studio use retired CHP cars? At one time I thought that was the case.
It was rumored that the cars were retired CHP cars, shipped to Chicago for the movie. However most of the stunt men, and crew claimed them to be regular civilian small block cars. They used a total of 13 cars in the movie. The shitty thing is non of the cars survived. They were all scrapped at the end of the movie. It was also rumored for several years that Dan kept a car after shooting the movie, then later on sold it to a friend.. However a guy who is in contact with Dan on the blumo board, asked Dan about it. Dan said that never happened, and there was no car. T
here have been countless idiots through the years selling Monaco's claiming theirs to be an original screen used car, when you can CLEARLY see it is not. The worst one I've seen was a couple years back. Guy selling a '80s diplomat, claiming is to be a real bluesmobile. Really?? lol
Took the shock pates from the '67 over to a friends with a drill press. Had to drill out the center leaf spring locating hole, to accept the new 3/8 nut. After drilling, cleaned em up, and painted.
Driver side spring, is assembled. Rear suspension is done. Do still need a shackle.
Was wondering, anyone know what these are for??
They are sandwiched in between the rear hanger, and frame. When I took the springs out, the drivers side fell right off, onto the ground. The passenger side stuck on, after prying it off (thinking it was rusted together) it turns out it was welded in the middle to the hanger. I'll just sandwich them back in when installing. But what he hell are they? Exhaust hangers? Mounts for a hitch?? lol
Back to metal work at the moment....