Been tinkering with the old girl here, and there. I stripped, and painted the old sway bar, and ordered some new hardware. Got it re installed. Also stripped, and painted a couple other small bits, and installed that got missed before.
Also pulled out the 440 brackets, and got them cleaned, and painted. Waiting to go on.
I had to wait 2 weeks for the new torque convertor. I ordered one that ended up being the wrong one. Returned it, and finally got the correct one.
With the correct convertor, finally got the trans installed! Been having to make a few things work, but alls good so far. The old driveshaft should work! The yoke sticks out a little more from the trans then before. Also need to get a conversion u joint for the rear, as its wider. The small block trany dipstick should work too. I need to bend the bracket that attaches the tube to the top of the bellhousing to work with the big block.
The starter is in, as well as the convertor dust shield. The engine is sitting much better now.
I've noticed a few hiccups under the hood.. The last month or so my elctronic boxes have been melting, and leaving a mess.. Thank you FL heat. Anyone know what these boxes are?
Also noticed now with everything mounted ofcoarse! That the oil dipstick might be a pain.. The hole is behind the driver side engine mount. Theres no notch in the mount for the tube..