The driverless future

There's a cure for that too. Move right, they'll go right past you.

You obviously don't live in California. Most of the time, you can't move right - it is too crowded with slower moving cars already. These jerks in their ego trucks have no place to go if they wanted to, and neither do I, yet they ride your *** like they have time to react if there is a panic stop, which happens a lot on congested roadways.
I recently watched a news program in which they demonstrated a self-driving car (Mercedes). At one point, the human driver had to take over because the car lost the lane (probably due to faded paint on the road). A drunk passed out at the wheel would hardly be able to take over on a snow-covered road.

Sorry guys... I missed the DUI proof car aspect... I wouldn't hold my breath. The driver will hold at least some liability as long as he has a set of controls. If it gets to where he no longer has the ability to intervine, maybe. There is a lot of revenue in DUI and in the opinon of many it solves a problem. I am really careful about it, because it hurts me professionally, I would be stupid not to be. I would have a second offense if it happened, first was 1991 and FL doesn't ever let go 75 year record or something. They tell me starting money on first offense these days is $10k and I have heard of $20k... no accident, just first DUI. Take a taxi... cheaper than a lawyer or a self driving car. Or if I go somewhere close, I drive the truck I dont worry too much about and walk home or call for a ride.
Interesting... still hard to say what the next direction will be. Sounds like its more about publicity than it is opening new market share. I don't live in the right urban environment, Orlando is too small and spread out, the denser cities would be where this might catch on.
Orlando is too small and spread out, the denser cities would be where this might catch on.

There is a company in Calgary called Car2Go that has been renting Smartcars by the minute for a few years now. You use an app to find the nearest parked unit pay your money it unlocks and you hop in and drive away. When you are finished you park it and walk away. These things are all over downtown because parking sucks. In fact there are so many of them now parking your own car has gotten worse. I find it interesting how many 20 somethings apply at my Dealership for sales or service that have no license and look at me weird when I say you need one to work here. The cars don't move themselves.....yet

Home - car2go Calgary

The car rental is already available in several places in the US. A couple of Universities for example. If it needs gas, you take the car over to a gas station and charge the gas to the card with the the car/keys. I was told it's something around $15 an hour.
I find it interesting how many 20 somethings apply at my Dealership for sales or service that have no license and look at me weird when I say you need one to work here. The cars don't move themselves.....yet

I'm sure they feel qualified...
Bringing this back due to an appropriate article talking about the future, near future, for driverless. It is the cover story on Time Magazine. Many angles on how drivers would slowly get forced out of their traditional cars. Didn't consider the one where a state could stop issuing a driver's license after it expired.

It also brought to mind the word apogee and how it relates to this article and our cars.

Illustration of apogee
Examples of apogeein a sentence
  1. <furys reached the apogeeof its popularity in the 1970s but is now considered outdated>
Who would have thought that the term "Golden Era" could be used to describe the simple task of driving a car yourself? Maybe even "Heyday."
driverless cars. hilary clinton. a wall needs to built alright. at the Canadian border. and i want to live on the north side of it! the disgust level has reached a zenith. SG
driverless cars. hilary clinton. a wall needs to built alright. at the Canadian border. and i want to live on the north side of it! the disgust level has reached a zenith. SG

Hang on there a minute,,,have your heard about Prime Minister Centerfold? Between the Lefties running the province and the Lefties running the Country we will be looking to secede and become State #51! Article today saying our fearless leader believes paying a Carbon Tax will help bring in Electric Vehicles and reduce the "ENORMOUS" carbon footprint of gas burners...meanwhile we import oil from such noteworthy environmentalists the Saudis...:BangHead:
sorry man. i always thought Canada was cool. the people sure seem to be. how 'bout New Zealand? that's about as far away from ct as i can get but still be on earth! i like the thought of that!
Well, yes.

The other advantage is no more crazy drivers on the road. No more brake checking and then zoom across three lanes to exit. No more dealing with drivers who are wandering while texting. Traffic moving faster without everyone playing lane jockey.
so I can drink beer while my car drives me home. cooool
always thought Canada was cool.

Well we are cool and its not just the weather but like many countries real leadership is hard to find and he who has the best hair wins. We are Sheep baaaaa baaaaa
So we may all have to retire to Mexico to avoid this BS? Here I was looking forward to my part time job on the wash rack in Alberta... I could do the roof... someone who bends over better would need to get the low points. Oh and not to be a PITA I only want to work when the temperature is in the 80s F (26s C)... Maybe I could just drive the shuttle... oh that job will be eliminated by machinery. F-it... I wasnt ever really planning to live to retirement anyhow.
so not a sheep. sheep and their driverless cars. also, i think that just for the quality of the people that i have to interact with daily, i'd rather be in Canada.

Come on up we'd love to have ya!