The driverless future

Don't think you are qualified I'm very picky about employees in this position ...
For the love of... she's denting the hood with them things!

The poor thing is probably so cold her nips are cutting scratches in the paint too...
It eliminates asleep at the wheel accidents so I think it should a good thing even aftermarket. A dang good idea
I find myself wondering what they will do about motorcycles. The bikes wont be self driving, but will still have to share the road with the robot cars. If they're actually going to ban human driven cars then they will have to ban motorcycles too. Personally, I hate the whole idea, always have. It will also be the end of driving for a living, creating a whole lot more unemployed people in my opinion.
Motorcycles, bicycles, kids on tricycles, pedestrians, joggers, blind people, old people, kids running wild, dogs, cats, deer - NONE of these things will be controlled. To expect autonomous vehicles to recognize these things and take appropriate actions 100% of the time is both impossible and insane. How much control of one's life is one willing to put up with? It is nothing more than electronic tyranny.
I can see driverless cars on super highways, but think it will require a driver to get on and off the highway. I can see it in the cities, too much stuff going on and too many silly people wandering around like cattle.

On the highway, classics like ours should have a transponder to tell the automatics that we are in manual mode and have the right of way!
Welp I guess we have the answer..

Google Self-Driving Car at Fault for Bus Crash

"One of Google's self-driving cars crashed into a bus last month, marking the first time a vehicle in the company's robotic fleet caused a collision, according to an accident report filed to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

The report says the crash took place on Feb. 14 in Mountain View, California, between Google's self-driving Lexus RX450h and a public transit bus. The collision occurred after Google's autonomous vehicle (AV) came to a stop and tried to maneuver around sandbags that had been positioned around a storm drain, according to the accident report."
I saw that. Doesn't change the fact that the most dangerous factor in driving and crashes is the human driver making bad decisions. Had one guy approach me at high speed on Tuesday along the Sunol grade of 680 in the slow lane during commute time. He decided he just had to pass by driving onto the narrow right old asphalt shoulder. Stupid move. Doubly stupid for him when I saw what he was going to do and put him in a position where he ran off the shoulder and the freeway. It was only a Mercedes.

Now as for the Google crash I have read the update and how Google has tweaked the software. The software made an assumption that the vehicle, a bus, would yield. Us humans know that buses never yield for anyone. So Google adjusted the software to now take that into account. Had that second vehicle been self-driving then it would have yielded and ergo no crash. El Camino was once the way to drive from San Francisco all the way down the Peninsula before there was 101. Lots of car, lots of surface traffic, lots of buses and lots of pedestrians. If ever near there I try to spend no more than three blocks on that street. For a self-driving car to handle that street is impressive.

Google self-driving car crashes into a bus (update: statement)
"We are learning that buses and large vehicles don't yield as easily" So our self driving car is bullying regular cars into yielding. Translated lol
"We are learning that buses and large vehicles don't yield as easily" So our self driving car is bullying regular cars into yielding. Translated lol

Sounds like they programmed it to drive like every a$$hole in FL... pull in front of traffic at a minimum distance, then go real slow...
Doesn't sound that way to me. Sounds more like a typical merge onto a crowded freeway where you need to merge quickly. We have all been there either in the car merging or in the car that will end up behind the merged car. In this case the bus continued and I have been on the short end when a local delivery truck simply blew past you because it was not going to allow you to merge in front of them. As was said this is a zero problem when all cars are computer controlled.
My question is do these cars drive using the vehicles that are immediately near them or lack of, or do they drive using the vehicles that are one or two further out like we do?
Sounds like they programmed it to drive like every a$$hole in FL... pull in front of traffic at a minimum distance, then go real slow...
This is the first state I have seen that allows unlimited use of all lanes by trucks
Nothung like being in a 70 mph zone behing a rig governed at 64 mph in the middle lane, a rig governed at 63½ in the right lane, and a rig going 50mph in the left lane cuz his GPS nav tells him he needs to bear left five miles ahead... :mob: :BangHead: :mad:
This is the first state I have seen that allows unlimited use of all lanes by trucks
Nothung like being in a 70 mph zone behing a rig governed at 64 mph in the middle lane, a rig governed at 63½ in the right lane, and a rig going 50mph in the left lane cuz his GPS nav tells him he needs to bear left five miles ahead... :mob: :BangHead: :mad:

So which one does the dummy car chose?
Or does it just hit the slowest one? <my choice but now left lane is screwed up
It didn't assume anything, it calculated. Assumption implies thought. AFAIK even with all the advancements in AI, machines can't think. Yet.

So what do humans do? Calculate, assume or use plain seat of the pants dumb luck? Whatever humans do one thing is for sure humans, for the great part, are naturally bad drivers because mainly they rely on dumb luck and the rest assume. Humans would do better if they could calculate and then communicate with the other drivers around them. Smart cars will have us beat there pretty soon if not already.
I think they will be good for some people. I am dead against it becoming mandatory, it is a great joy, sense of freedom that would be lost and I think there is and going to be young people that will like to drive. The mix of humans and machines is when the problem arises.
While I agree since I enjoy driving my cars for the most part I still think the odds are getting greater and greater against. With 32,000-33,000 killed on the roads every year, many through no fault of their own, one can pretty much see how this will come down in the future. The cost of all those lives and other damage will force the hand of insurance companies to side with smart cars.
While I agree since I enjoy driving my cars for the most part I still think the odds are getting greater and greater against. With 32,000-33,000 killed on the roads every year, many through no fault of their own, one can pretty much see how this will come down in the future. The cost of all those lives and other damage will force the hand of insurance companies to side with smart cars.
They need to legalize assisted suicide before making us ride in dummy cars.