The 12 year old boy that still exists in my old body just giggled at that.the wear on the rod was exacerbated

In my case, I think the wear on the rod was exacerbated due the use of an old rod on a new cam lobe. When my engine was rebuilt, the cam was replaced, but not the rod.
I've been wondering about that... I've never changed one when I've done a cam. I always coat them in "moly" cam lube though. Can't say I've had a problem.
The lower pressure of the fuel pump spring versus a valve spring has me thinking that it shouldn't matter... But then if it does wear, what does it do to the cam lobe? The lifter has a little over 5x the surface area but if you do some math, the amount pressure per square inch on the push rod is probably not that much less than the lifter. (I don't know what the spring pressure on a fuel pump is, so I just use 40lbs)
So it makes some sense to replace the push rod... It sure can't hurt!