The Sheriff

No, the front fender. The quarter has a bend but I should be able to get that taken care of.
Welp I got into it and decided yep the quarter had to come off. So here's where we're at. The wife and kid are away for the next few days so maybe there'll be some progress. Though i do have to make some patches first. I just want everyone to know, where there's rust on this car, there was tar. Seems counter to what i mostly thought about tar as a preservative. Areas that had old seam sealer that was kind of porous in the same areas as the tar had no rust as the porosity seemed to all the area to dry.

Oh well it is what it is at this point. Yes i know that's not where the cut should be made as I'm going to have a devil of a time getting it straight bit that's where the original repair was made and it's what I got to work with. If I had another quarter, well things would be different.


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I tried a cut just like that one once. I totally effed it up and made the car nearly worthless.
I tried a cut just like that one once. I totally effed it up and made the car nearly worthless.

Welp with all the rust behind the bondo (inside and on the outside) and the effin' job that was done before me, it couldn't get much worse. IF I had started on this side, I'd have said fudge it and let it rot. But this and the fender is all that's really left. So wtf might as well go for it.
First patch made for the rotted corner. Still have a little work to do in oder to get it where I want it, but it's not bad for a start. Hopefully I can keep this going while the wife is gone and get the quarter back on and at least tacked in place but it'll be a chore to get there. Of course I have't even started to think about the inner structure yet, and there's a few spots of concern.


Hmmm added that twice.. ??:eek:ops:


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I'm actually very inspired by this. I need to buy a book on body work. Any suggestions?

Nice work, Bill.
You're in the midwest right? If so there's a metalmeet coming up in IL. $100 for the week, go out and learn or bring a project and they'll help you make it and teach along the way. I wish I could make it as I;ve never been but I'm sure it would radically advance my knowledge. Most of mine is reading and troal and error.

And if you're inspired by this mess, you should see the guys at metalmeet or

Here, check out Peter Tommasini make a complete quarter with handtools only.

The IL meet coming up;

A video about 2006 metalmeet.

Oh and you want real inspiration? This will keep you busy for a few days. This guy is in thailand and pretty much just has a hammer and dirt to work with.
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That Pete guy just made a quarter panel from scratch in 10 minutes! Wow!!!
welp after a week of hell at the office, say to the tune of 17 hours sleep over 4 days I went back outside. Didn't like the look of the original patch so I cut it out and made another. I still have a bit to do on the underside, but I have to figure out whats left on the car, if it's any good or what not. I still have another round of planishing the welds, the areas without scratches are low spots i need to raise. May be one area I need to shrink, and the flange needs to come back out as I folded a little too much. But over all not too bad for my third ever patch. At least i don't think so.


Oh and no way this thing isn't getting done now. It has my sweat, it has some blood, and today it took flesh. Now that it has actual flesh, not just from a scratch or a cut, but a chunk mind you, it's now a piece of me for real and I don't give up on me. ERRRR...

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Congrats on your progress and tenacity. Sorry about your pound of flesh. It's a worthy project and I'm following this thread with interest.
Quoted originally by 67Monaco

Here, check out Peter Tommasini make a complete quarter with handtools only.

I would love to have this ability. Thanks for all the links. Enjoying watching your progress.
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Hopefully you didn't lose it from any important parts....
Quoted originally by 67Monaco

Here, check out Peter Tommasini make a complete quarter with handtools only.

I would love to have this ability. Thanks for all the links. Enjoying watching your progress.

You're welcome. Hell I'd love the ability too. But no time like the present to try an learn. By the time I get that good I'd prbably be in my 80's. God willing I'll be in my 80's anyway so why not?

Hopefully you didn't lose it from any important parts....

Just a 1/4" chunk on the left side of the nail on the ring finger of my left hand. Interference between two pieces of heavy steel moving at high rates of speed, lesson learned.
Ok well I had a mere 15 minutes tonight to plannish a bit. What I used was the dolly and the heavy bastard file in the picture. The technique, was to hold the dolly length wise with the weld while slapping across it with the file. This did two things for me, bridged the lows where the weld shrank, and privided a visual guide where i need to remove more weld and re-plannish. the paint removed is merely from the teeth of the file. This was straight downward slapping at the metal no filing motion what so ever. So we're getting close to the depth of the teeth on the file. Second shot is a different angle. Still more grinding to do me thinks.



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Welp I'm at the end of my finishing capabilities, this is as smooth and as wrinkle free as i could make it. went back and dressed both sides of the weld this time, completely smoothed the back, then cleaned up the front and plannished again. There's not alot to fill, the pics look worse than it feels in person. But i guess we'll see when the skim coat goes on, just how much is really going to be needed.


